Ron - 3

39 1 0

Song of the chapter: Are You Happy Now by Megan and Liz


        History class dragged on with Mr. Henderson's lecture about Alexander Hamilton's famous Five-Part plan. I couldn't understand most of the material because, apparently, this was included in our summer homework which I blew off. Don't worry, I did the homework, but I just wrote down a load of crap. But seriously, to take ten chapters of history notes during the summer? What kind of school asks their students to do that?

        I desperately wanted to pull up my hood and fall asleep, but that's impossible now since I'm sitting right of the teacher's desk. I should've sat in the back, wait why didn't I? Oh yea, the girl. I forgot she was in this class. 

        Sighing loudly, I placed my elbow on the tiny excuse for a desk with my hand holding up my head. Mr. Henderson's voice trailed off in my head and slowly, my eyes began to close. I could only see glimpses of the words on the board before I drifted off into sleep. 

        Suddenly, a booming Mr. Henderson's voice yelled, "Mr. Robinson, since you are so infatuated with your dive, it appears to me that you already understand all of the material." The kid's face was red as a tomato and I could hear the guys around him snickering. "Would you mind telling one of the five elements of Alexander Hamilton's plan for the economy?" 

        "Is one of the I don't care part?" what a douche. 

        Under his breath, I could hear Mr. Henderson mutter "idiot". He turns to his side and walks up to the girl sitting by the window. She was scribbling something in notebook while she was holding her knee up to her face; not noticing the teacher creeping up on her. Taking a second glance at her, I couldn't help but acknowledge her beauty again. The way the sun from outside shined on her just made her even more gorgeous. Damn it Ron, shut it. You're already creeping on her and you don't even know her name. I mentally slap myself.

        "Ms. Baron, can you tell me one thing from Hamilton's plan?" she looked starled by the teacher's sudden appearence next to her. "I bet you could tell me all of them, can't you Odette?" Mr. Henderson asked her. Odette, Odette that's her name! 

        Mr. Henderson kept on pressing, "Come on, I know you're a smart girl Odette." Students start to laugh and I could tell she was feeling uncomfortable by the way her body scrunched up into a little ball. The volume of their laughter grew, making Odette turn pale. Her mouth started to move, but I couldn't make out what she was saying.

        The teacher catching Odette's little movement silenced the class. He leaned in closer to hear her words. "Correct, good job Odette. Next time speak up, you sound so much like a little mouse that I could barely hear you." At that moment, the whole room was filled with the students' laughter. I couldn't see what was so funny that everybody had the need to laugh. Everyone was slapping each other and pointing at Odette. Mr. Henderson kept yelling, "Silence!" waving his hands in the air, but no one would listen. Being the idiotic me, I just laughed along.

        I turn towards Odette's direction and I could see her staring straight into my eyes. Her mouth gaping open and water filled her tear ducts. Odette's eyes were so glassy that they looked like they were on the verge of cracking apart. I could sense the disappointment she had seeing me laughing at her. It was like her stare was boring into my soul; I could feel a slight pain in my chest. I stop laughing and just look at her. The others were still laughing, but I could care less. I wanted to get up and tell everyone to shut it, but I couldn't move; my whole body went rigid. Mr. Henderson desperately tried to get the class to quiet down with threats to put people into detention, but nothing would work. Turning back to Odette, I can see the tears streaming down her face and muttering something under her breath. She squeezes the sleeves of her sweater tightly, pressing her pencil hard into her notebook, and her hair falling in front of her face as she tried to hide from me. This is hell I'm witnessing now and nothing could be done. I couldn't do anything, I can't do anything. 

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