Chapter 36

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Since the last one was short, I decided to give you a new chapter. Enjoy :)


Blue looked at herself in her bedroom mirror. She messed with her curly natural hair, put on her glasses, and looked at her sweatpants. She studied herself.

She wondered if she didn't look good at all. She wondered if she looked like the girl she saw in herself before. Was her insecure thoughts coming back to her?

She thought, is this why Deuce didn't love her anymore? Was he tired of her and wanted something more than her?

She continued to study her figure. She looked at her face features, and noticed the dark circles and bags that started to grow under her eyes.

She hadn't had those ever since she got into a relationship with Deuce. He was indeed her happy place. He was her everything. But now, why did it feel like she wasn't his?


I looked at myself, and wondered if it was me. I was still standing in the same spot, looking at myself until Deuce came in the room. Not once did he bother to look up at me.

Although, I thought of myself as a badass, I was becoming a water bucket. I was hurt. I was hurting, and my heart was breaking more every single day.

I was becoming emotional so much now, and I don't know why. I still thought it was a bit much, but I guess the things Deuce were doing was a part of it right?

I wiped my tears, and turned to go into the bathroom for work. I just didn't even say anything to him.


I watched Blue out of the corner of my eye. I could see her, lookin' at herself '. She was still the most beautiful girl I ever' laid my eyes on. I love her. I saw her wipe her tears while she walked to the bathroom. She quietly shut the door.

I stood to walk to her, and put my hand on the knob, but I just couldn't do it. I just can't do it.


"Thanks for coming by Kelly. I appreciate it." I hugged her, waving goodbye.

"I'll see you later." She pouted a little.

I understood why.

I had a painting class coming in about an hour or so. CamBlue was doing great. Many people have came and walked around. Some even brought paintings, and most signed up for my weekly classes. I was indeed proud of myself.

I often stood and thought about what took place here. I started to smile to myself, and thought of how great a night that was.

I shook my thoughts, and then someone caught my attention.

"Hi. Can I help you?

"Oh, yes. Hi. This is beautiful." He stared at my painting.

"Oh, thank you. It's a self-portrait." I smiled, and put my head down.

"Uh, Charise right?"

I was caught off guard, but then I realized who the guy was.

"Uhh, Tony. Hey." I made a weird face, then smiled awkwardly. He's always popping up.

"Something wrong?" He looked over at me.

"Um. No. Not at all."

"So, when did you paint this?" He stared at it.

"A while back." I shrugged.

"It's beautiful. You're beautiful."

"Um, thank you." I smiled small, and blushed a little.

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