Chapter 39

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It's been a couple of weeks since I last seen Blue. I haven't heard from her either, but I heard she was down at Mema's. Heard she got back sum time last week, and livin' somewhere' in a hotel.

There' is no doubt, that I don't miss that girl. I've been doin good doe. Betterin' myself, so I can get her back. I honestly miss her. So much.

I decided to give her space, and not even try to go find her. I'd just text her every night and tell her that I loved her. Long as I knew that she was alright.

I was over at Zel's house for today, caus our house just ain't feel the same no more.

"Here's your sodas." Mil placed three sodas down on the table.

"Thanks Mil." I said to her.

She stuck up her finger' and kept walkin' to the kitchen. Her and Kelly wasn't really talkin' to me, but I understood why. I just wished they knew the truth tho.

"Where Turf?"

"Workin'." Zel shrugged.

"Workin' where?"


"Aye, ima text'em and tell'em to bring me a kid's meal wit the toy." Boon grabbed his phone.

Speakin' of Turf, Zel take care of'em for now. He even went back to school somehow. Zel ain't won't him workin' fa us, so he got a basic job obviously. Good for him tho.

"Okay, we'll be back later." Mil and Kelly came and hugged the twins.

"Where yall goin?" Zel asked.

"See my sister." Mil rolled her eyes at me.

"How is she?" I said lowly, lookin' down.

She exhaled slowly, and said "She's alright."

"Tell her I asked bout her. That I love her." I looked up at her.

"I will." She gave a small smile.

They left out, and I sat there thinkin' bout how things could've been. How they should've been.


"Hey, yall. What you doing here?" I asked the girls, while they came into the gallery.

"Just wanted to see you. What you been doing?" Mil asked.

"Nothing, just got done with a class."

"Everything's going good?"

"Yeah, some pretty important people came by earlier, and critiqued some of my paintings. I'll be in the art papers and headlines this week hopefully."

"That went good?"

"Yeah, they left good reports."

"That's good Blue. How are you though?" Kelly asked.

"I'm alright." I sighed.

"He asked about you." Mil said.

I stared off, because I missed him. I just could never wrap my head around what happened. What went so wrong?


"He loves you Blue. You can see it all over his face." Kelly said.

"Is that why you came here?" I laughed a little.

"Nooo. We were just saying. We came to take you to lunch."

"Can you go get something and bring it back? I wanna finish this painting. And plus, my workers aren't back from their lunches yet."

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