Chapter 42

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This chapter will be BLUE'S POV throughout.

I begin to wake up, and I winced in pain. My head was hurting so bad. I couldn't even touch it, because my hands were tied in ropes.

I looked up at the one light that shined down on me. The other parts of the room were completely dark.

"HELP" I yelled.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I continued to yelled.

"No one can hear you."

I tried to see who it was, but I couldn't. At least not until they stepped in the light.


"Hey Blue."

"What is going on?" I cried.

"Y u cryin' Blue? It's alright baby." He touched my face.

"Don't touch me."

"Is there a problem in here?"

"No Mya." Turf sighed.


"Well, hello Blue." She smirked, walking into the light.

"I knew something was off about you."

"Haha, well I guess you were right."

"You're pathetic."

She smacked my face so hard.

"What was that? I can't hear you." She smiled.

"Y-you're pathetic." I huffed.

She was about to slap me again, until Turf stopped her.

"Wait til the boss come." He said.

"Na, let me see what she got." I mugged her, with my sore jaw.

Blood was coming from my mouth, but I didn't gaf.

"Just wait, til he gets back. You're gonna regret ever messin' wit me. I should've got your sister when I had the chance."

"She'd still beat your ass." I laughed lowly.

"Talk all that shit when he gets here."

"I will."

She left out, so it was just me and Turf.

"Why are you doing this Turf?"

"Doing what Blue?"

"Why are you dealing with them? You became family."

"I guess I got tired of McDonalds and watching SpongeBob every day." He rolled his eyes.

"W-why Turf?"

"Look I gotta go. Brace yo'self for later. I'm sorry." He said lowly before walking out.

After he left, I sat in the same spot for hours. No one came back. I was cold, my head was still bleeding, and I had bruises everywhere.

I was hungry, and my romper was now torn up. I tried to move my hand to my stomach, because it started to hurt so bad.

"They can't hurt you." I whispered.

I was scared and I was lonely. Where's Deuce? Is he looking for me? Does he know where I am? He was suppose to protect me. Where could he be?

After hours of shivering, someone finally opened the door.

"Well, well, well. Nice to see you again beautiful."

I squinted my eyes, and couldn't really tell who it was at first.

"You don't remember me sweetheart?"

"You'-you're Kyle?"

"That's right beautiful."

"But, you're dead." I said lowly.

"I was almost dead. Thanks to your boyfriend. But I'm very much alive now."

"What do you want?" I fussed.


"..." I looked at him.


"Please don't."

"Why not darling?"

"Please. Just don't."

He walked closer to me, and he bent down in my face. He smirked, before throwing a punch to my face.

"P-p-please stop." I pleaded, I felt blood come from my lip.

"Why would I do that?" He laughed.

He punched me in the stomach, and then the face again. I just so happen to notice the scar on the side of his head.

"Oh. You looking at the scar huh?" He smirked.

"Take a look at this too." He showed his bullet scar in his shoulder.

"Your punkass boyfriend did that. But, it's aite." He smiled.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"To teach your little boyfriend a lesson before he's dead next." He took out his phone.

"Say cheese." He took my picture.

My jaw ached so bad, and my stomach cramped up so bad. I was full on crying now. I could tell my eye was puffy, because I could no longer see that clearly.

"Bro." I heard.

Someone walked up, but I didn't have the strength to even look up.


"Chill out. Let her get some food in her."

The voice sounded so familiar.

"Feed her then."

"Blue?" He lifted up my head.

I kept quiet, because words couldn't even form anymore. I was tired, and I was all out of words.

"Blue. Blue."

"You too? You knew my name this whole time didn't you?" I managed to ask.


"Why Tony? What did I do to you?"

"YOU REJECTED ME!" He yelled.

"See Blue. In the beginning, I was just playing along. But I fell in love with you. The first time I saw you in the park, you were indeed beautiful. Then the day at the yogurt place. The gallery. Oh, Blue. I love you."

He touched my cheek, and I tried my best to move away from him. Turf came in with a McDonalds bag, and dropped it in my lap.

"Turf, help me. please don't leave me." I begged.

"Shut up." Tony smacked me. Turf stood still, and backed away.

"I'm sorry." I cried.

"No you're not. You rejected me. You left my date, and then you kicked me out of your party. But that was the perfect time to knock you upside the head with my gun. I laughed when I saw your blood."

"Please....just let me go." I cried silently.

"Eat up." He smirked, while walking out.

I was now alone again. I was still cold, and I was so tired. I was beaten, and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Lord, please help me. Please." I prayed.

"I need your help." I said lowly.

"Please." I cried.

I cried til I grew sleepy.


How y'all feel about Turf? 😢

What about Tony?😲


This book is ending soon! I hope you will be satisfied with the ending!🤗

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