Chapter 5 - The Love is Real

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Felix looked at the clock. Midday. He started panting and smiling at the same time.

- Felix! Lunch's ready! - his mom said.

- I'm going out, mom! I'll finally meet my girlfriend! - he said.

- Are you sure that it isn't dangerous?

- We'll meet in a public place. Everyone will see if something wrong happens. I'm sure it will be okay.

- Take care. I love you. - his mom said, kissing his forehead.

Felix took a very long shower and dressed up in his clothes that he had chosen 5 days before. There were only 10 minutes left. His phone's screen blinked. A Skype message from Marzia.

I'm at the main square! Come soon!

Felix was so surprised how time has passed slowly. Now he would finally meet his dream girl. He took the bouquet and his wallet and rushed through the door.

- Felix, are you going now? Who is going to take you there? - his dad asked.

- I'll take a Taxi cab. Bye! Wish me luck! - Felix said, hopping in the cab. - Please take me to the main square.

The driver pulled the car trigger and the car started to move. Felix was almost crying. He couldn't believe it. He was going to meet the girl he was waiting for. He started daydreaming while looking at the window.

After 4 minutes, the taxi stopped moving.

- Give me some time and I will pay you, I promise. It's for a fair reason. - Felix said, leaving the cab and looking at every direction searching for a perfect, kind, sweet and very well-dressed girl. The driver was patiently waiting for his payment.

Felix got to the middle of the full and a little troubled square but didn't find anyone he was waiting for. He looked back and saw a girl sitting on a bench, looking at the horizon. Stunning. Felix looked at her more and realized that it was Marzia. He silently shouted and ran for her, calling her name really loudly, with the white roses bouquet. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and looked at him. Marzia saw him and got up, surprised. She started crying and running for him. They hugged each other very tightly and both started crying. Everyone was looking at them. A cherry petals rain started, from the trees. Everyone at the square started crying and, suddenly, clapping their hands. Felix and Marzia looked around and noriced that they were applauding their meeting.

- I always knew our love was perfect and worth an audience. - Felix said, a tear streaming down his face.

- Our love is worth everything. - Marzia said, putting her hands on Felix's face and then on his shoulders.

Felix put his hands on Marzia's hips and it happened. They kissed. Their kiss was not a normal one. It had feelings that were too strong to be expressed by words or face expressions. After the kiss, Marzia sobbed.

- I love you so much, Felix Kjellberg.

- I love you too, Marzia Bisognin.

He placed his hands around her back and walked to the bench Marzia was sitting on. Both sat down, chatting and staring at the cherry trees with the sun behind them.

- What a beautiful view. - said Marzia.

- Not as beautiful as you are. - Felix replied.

They kissed again.

Felix was never that happy his whole life.

Nothing could make him feel bad.

The world was now invisible for him.

The only thing he could see

was Marzia.

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