Chapter 19

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The next day》

Lee Sooyeon's P.O.V

I woke up feeling great.


Chimchim: Good morning Jagiya💞.

Yes jagiya? I admitted to Jimin that I like him too. So fast right?

Me: Good morning too oppa💗

Chimchim: I'm gonna pick you up at your house. Okay?

Me: Okay. Oppa I need to get ready. Bye!

Chimchim: See you soon princess!.

I giggled at his text. So sweet.

I quickly do my morning routine and wore my uniform.

I quickly went downstairs happily to eat my breakfast.

"Why are you smiling like that dear?" Mom asked.

"I'll tell you later" I giggled at her.

Me and my family happily ate together this morning.

"Yeon-ah I'll be the one sending you to school today. Okay?" Daewo oppa said.

"About that. Jimin oppa would pick me up today." I smiled at him feeling

"Why would he pic-"

Oppa was cut off by a loud honk outside.

"Oh that's him. Mianhe oppa maybe next time. I'll tell you guys later why. Bye eomma, appa" I said as I kiss their cheeks goodbye.

They all look at me dumbfounded but later on just shrugged their shoulders.

I went outside to be greeted a handsome Jimin waiting outside his car.

"Good morning princess!" He said ahowing me his eye smile.

"Good morning Prince Chimchim!" I giggled.

He opened the door for me. Such a gentlemen.

"Its my first time getting really excited to go to school today."

First time getting really excited? What does he mean?

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to school with the person I love and she's even my seatmate." He smiled at me.

"You're so cheesy chim." I laughed.

The car drive on the way to school was so quiet so I decided to play some music to the radio and we both jammed to the songs being played.

Soon we arrived at the school's parking where the others, bangtan boys were also waiting.

Chimchim opened the door for me.

The members were shocked to see us together.

"What's with the holding hands?" Yoongi oppa asked.


Wait what? Holding hands?

I looked to where my hand was to see it was intertwined with Jimin's I blushed at this happening.

Jimin just smiled at them.

"She's now my girlfriend" he said while grabbing ky waist and side hugging me.

"What!?!?!?!" All of them shouted at us making all the students look at us.

Me and Jimin shushed at the boys and signalled them to be quiet.

They nod and said sorry to the other students who were their to hear the loud shouts.

"Hey hyungs! So what's up?" Jungkook mysteriously come out of nowhere swinging his arm around taehyung oppa and hobi oppa and smiling uncontrollably.

What has gotten to this boy?

He smile disappered when he saw mine and Jimin's hands together. He put his hands down from Hobi and taehyung oppa's shoulders and starts to put them inside his pocket and bit his lip.


Hobi oppa saw his reaction and quickly slung his arm around him. He continued to smile. But his smile shows something like hurt.

"Oh Jungkookie you're here. I was just telling them that Sooyeon is my girlfriend now" Chim smiled at him.

Jungkook looked at and smiled hurtly. I could really see his kinda hurt.

Why Jungkook?

I don't know but why does my heart ache when I see him hurt. Why?

I love Chimchim already but why.

Jung Hoseok's P.O.V

I could see Jungkook trying to hold his tears back.

So I quickly swing my arm around his neck and side hug him, comforting him.

"Let's talk about this thing okay?" I whispered at his ear.

He just nods.

"Uh me and Jungkook gotta go now so see you later guys" I told them.

"But you and Jungkook aren't classmates why sre you going with him?" Namjoon hyung asked.


"I need some help with something. Hobi hyung would really be the best person for this." Jungkook said as he smiled at them.

I nod at them agreeing to what Jungkook said.

I dragged Jungkook away from the group.

Since there's still lot of time before class starts I decided to bring Jungkook to the old abandoned classroom.

"Now its okay to cry. Just cry it all out." I told Jungkook.

He's starts to cry.

I guess he's really hurt.

I know Jungkook likes her.

"Hyung. Why? Why does it have to be Jimin hyung? I love her. Why?" He started to question out.

I patted his back to comfort him.

"Jungkook-ah don't worry. It may be just a contemporary love. Sooyeon also experienced that when she was in elementary. She liked someone name Joshua Hong, a korean-amreican guy and it turned out that he likes her too. They were in a mutual relationship but weeks later they found out that they were never meant for each other and was better off to be just friends. Till now they're still friends but she hasn't seen him for months since Joshua went back to LA with his family. They still have contact with each other though judt rarely." I said trying to calm him down a little believing that its still not to late to do anyhing.

(A/n: Yeah I added Joshua Hong from Seventeen. Yey! Since he's added..hmm.. well lemme think about the others hehe.)

"I thought Mark was Sooyeon's first love." He asked.

"Yes he is, Mark was Sooyeon's first love like literally love. She thought Joshua would be the one but no their love was just for friendship." I smiled at him.

"Thanks for comforting me hyung. But why are you helping me?" He asked curiously.

"Because I know how much you love her that you are willing to change your attitude for her and I know that their love was just the same as with her experience with Joshua." I patted his shoulder.


"Oh shoot! We're late." Jungkook shouted causing me to panick.

We quickly ran to our respective classrooms.

Jeon Jungkook's P.O.V

She thought Joshua would be the one but no their love was just for friendship.

So Joshua and Sooyeon learned that their love was just as friends.

So I still might have chance for her.

I quickly ran to my classroom.

"I'm sorry I'm late."

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