Chapter 24

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Wen Junhui's POV

"You ugly piece of sh*t. I told you I'm allergic to banana milk and you're still giving me this. I told you to buy me some soda not some milk" and a loud slap was heard.

I went towards the direction of the scene. It was Oh Soonmi bullying a girl.

I went infront of them protecting the girl behind me.

"What are you doing Soonmi-ssi?!" I said with authorization.

"Oppa she's trying to trigger my allergies look she bought me a banana milk instead of a soda." She acted cute at me and batted her eyelashes.


"Leave now!"

"But opp-" she's acting to cry.


She stomped her way out along with her minions and took a last glance before leaving.

I looked at the person behind me.

"Are you okay?" She looked up and nodded. She's beautiful. Wait what?

"Thank you for saving me." She said smiling.

Thay smile is beautiful too. Aish~ Wen Junhui what are you thinking you guys just met.

"Its fine. You need to be saved too. Bullying is not good and I can't stand just being a bystander. What's your name?"

"I'm Kim Minha."

"Hi Minha-ssi. I'm-"

"Wen Junhui of Seventeen. All of the people here in school knows you guys." She said cutting me off.

"Well Minha-ssi take care on your way back. I have to go my friends are waiting."

She nodded and walked away but stopped midway and looked at me. "Thank you again. See you tomorrow." She smiled and waved at me then left.

So cuuuuteeee~

I looked at the time and its already 5pm.

I run towards the school garden where I promised to meet with Shua hyung.

"Yah! Where have you been? I've been waiting here for hours. Don't tell me you forgot about our hangout. Look at the time!" He said scolding me.

"I'm sorry hyung I was just saving someone from bullying and no I didn't forgot about our hangout of course. Come on I'm sure Yeon is already waiting for us at the school gate." I explained and he nodded.

We walked silently towards the school gate. We saw Yeon seating on the bench with her earphones on.

I signalled Shua hyung that we should surprise her but failed cause she saw us walking towards her direction.

Lee Sooyeon's POV

"Yah you two where have you been?! I was waiting for here like 15 mins. You're explaination should really be good." I eyed the two.

"Yeon chill. Jun here just saved someone from bullying. That's why we came late." Shua oppa explained.

"Is that true Wen Junhui?" I asked him and he nodded.

Aish~ Jun oppa is really really kind and helpful.

"Ara. Come on let's go. I wanna eat Chinese food. Jun oppa any recommendations on a place to eat at?" I asked him.

"Yeah I think I have something that I could recommend to the both of you. Its just down the road." He smiled cheekily.

Me and Shua oppa immediately agreed and walked our way out of the school and keep on talking as we reached our destination.

Park Jimin's POV

I met with the boys after school. I couldn't walk Sooyeon home as she had some hanging out with Shua hyung and Jun hyung.

"Jimin-ah where's Sooyeon?" Jin hyung asked.

"She's hanging out with Shua hyung and Jun hyung today. She said they're going to catch things up." I smiled.

"Aigoo~ my favorite dongsaeng isn't here. I'm sad." Jin hyung pouted and looked at the person on his right which is Yoongi hyung.

As soon as Jin hyung faced Yoongi hyung, Yoongi hyung pushed Jin hyung's face away from him.

Aish this hyung.

"How about we hangout again today? At Jimin's house?" Hobi hyung suggest. Not my house again.

They all nodded happily. I don't get it why do they like my house?

"Because you're house is more clean and spacious and more fun atually since you've got alot of video games at home." Namjoon hyung explained.

I just nodded and I led the way to my house. This is going to be a long night.

"Where's Jungkook?" Taehyung asked causing the others to look for him.

"Guys chill. He said his going to his mother's place tonight." I said. He approached me after class before coming to meet the boys. He said its emergency at home and he needs to go.

I hope everything's alright though.

Lee Sooyeon's POV

We are eating happily.

"Where should we go next?" I asked the boys.

"We should go to an arcade at the mall and watch a movie." Jun oppa suggested and we both nodded.

I should text my Jimin for him not to worry about me.

Me: Chim we're eating at a Chinese Resto down the road now. We're going to the mall after this and we're gonna watch a movie later. Don't worry about me I'll be fine as long as I'm with this two dorks here. Anyways, take care Prince Chim Chim. I love you ❤

I smiled as I sent this text. I was about to put a spoonful food on my mouth when...


Chim Chim❤: Ara princess. Take care always. The boys decided to hangout at my place. I love you too ❤. Have fun Princess.

"Why are you smiling suddenly Yeonie. You're creeping us out." Jun oppa asked.

"Isn't it obvious Junhui that she's texting her boyfriend." Shua oppa rolled his eyes at him. I laughed.

We continue eating our food and went to the mall.

We arrived at the mall and those two ran off towards the arcade area leaving me behind. I can't believe those two.

I was walking alone when someone held my wrist.

Why does everyone holds my wrist?

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