Chapter 23

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Lee Sooyeon's POV

"Annyeong Sooyeon/noona." They all said together.

I smiled at them and waved.

I'm glad to meet new friends especially that Joshua and Jun oppa is here.

"You should join us for lunch Sooyeon-ssi. We don't mind having you at our table" Soonyoung said.

"Thank you for the offer but my boyfriend and his friends are waiting for me at the other table. See you guys later." I smiled and waved at them.

I was about to leave when Shua oppa held my wrist.

"Don't forget to save my number Yeon." I nodded.

I hurriedly went back to BTS's table.

"How was meeting the 13 boys Sooyeon? They're handsome aren't they? Am I correct?" Jin oppa kept on asking me.

"Ne oppa. They're soooo handsome. But my mochi is more handsome." I exclaimed and winked at Park Jimin. He smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Stop with the cheesiness Sooyeon." Jin oppa replied with a sassy voice.

"You're just jealous hyung." Jimin stuck out his tongue at his hyung.


Lunch time is over which means we have to get back to our rooms.

"See you later guys!" I waved at the boys and went back with Jimin in our classroom.

I still can't believe I met Shua oppa today as well as Jun oppa. I really missed them. Should we hangout later? Well that's a good idea. I think we should. Its been so long since we last hanged out.

I went to my seat and face Jimin oppa.

"Oppa can I go hang out with Shua oppa and Jun oppa later. We need to catch up with each other. Its been so long since we last met. Pretty please~" I did my best in covincing him to allow me. I even did an aegyo for it.

"You know I can't resist that aegyo of yours Yeonie. Arasseo. Just update me always so I don't have to worry." He ruffled my hair.

I squealed in excitement and immediately took my phone out to text Shua oppa.

Me: Shuuuuuaaaaa opppaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Shua oppa: Yes Yeon?

Me: Let's hangout later. We still have lots of things to catch up. Please do bring Jun oppa with you.

Shua oppa: Ara. I'll bring Jun with me later. We are we going? Wait don't you have class right now?

Right we do have class right now and I'm texting during class hours. Well I can't help it if I'm good at sneaking doing some stuffs not allowed during class hours.

Me: Yes I do have class now. You know I'm good at sneaking right? How about you don't you have class?

Shua oppa: Yeah Yeah sneaking or whatever you're almost good at everything. Nope I don't have classes after lunch.

Me: Wah! I'm so jealous. I wish I have no classes after lunch. Anyways see you later 5pm at the school gate.

Shua oppa: Yes Yes! Now focus in class.

Me: Ne oppa.

How lucky Shua oppa is. I wish I had no classes after lunch. I just wanna sleep all afternoon.

Mark Tuan's POV

I still have to talk to her.

We can't she just believe me.

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