How Could This Happen

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(Ramona's POV)

Life was seeming pretty good cuddled on the couch with Jackson. But, of course, my life can never go as planned with the family I have. Suddenly, my mom burst through the door, closely followed by my dad. They looked like they had been arguing, which honestly wasn't out of the ordinary lately.

"Fernando, I'm tired of you always trying to take the spotlight!" Kimmy said.

"Oh Kimberlina I'm sorry it just comes naturally to me. I don't try to be so talented," my dad replied back. I sighed. It was hard sometimes having two parents who loved attention more than anything. I made a face at Jackson and he had a look that said "well this is awkward".

"Fernando, you know how much karaoke means to me. I'm obviously the best performer, so just let me do my thing!"

"Hey! I am an amazing performer!"

Suddenly my mom looked at me. "Ramona, I hate to do this, but pack your things! I can't stand another minute around your father. We are moving out and into a different city where he can't find me."

I shot up from where I was sitting. "Mom! We can't move! You're going crazy I think you should get some rest or something. Are you feeling ok?"

"Ramona I know this seems crazy, but I'm serious this time. I can't stand him anymore."

"What about DJ and Steph? You wouldn't leave them!"

"It's something I have to do. They can manage without me. It will be hard for them, but they'll have to try." My mom was being dramatic. It's not like she would really make us move out. She had gotten tired of my dad plenty of times before and they always ended up happy again. Something felt different about this though...

"But Mom!"

"Ramona, I've had enough. Go to your room and start packing. I'll be house hunting in the kitchen if you need me."

"But I like living here! And I just got together with Jackson! We can't move away I'll never get to see my second family!"

"I'm sorry Ramona. This time I'm not backing down." She walked out of the room and left the kitchen door swinging. I looked at Jackson and he looked back at me, shocked. I looked at my dad.

"My sweet Ramona! If you don't want to move you could always stay here with your amazing father."

"Dad! We can't move! Just let Mom have her moment and everything will be fine! Don't make this a big deal like everything with you two."

"I'm sorry Ramona. I just can't make myself less fabulous. If I tried I'd probably just be more fabulous." He walked away too, and I was left with Jackson. I plopped back down on the couch and put my chin in my hands. I didn't know what to do. My mom did always go out on a limb and come up with drastic ideas, but this time she almost seemed serious. I didn't know what to think. What if she actually meant it. Would I stay with my dad, or would I go with her?

I looked over at Jackson. How could I leave Jackson? How could I leave Max, Steph, Dj, and Tommy? They were my second family. I knew they'd get by without me, but I didn't know if I could get by without them. "Do you really think she's serious?" Jackson asked quietly.

"I don't know. I don't know what to think. I don't know what to do Jackson." He looked at me somberly and I put my head on his shoulder. He carefully put his arm around me and we sat silently for a long time. Finally, the silence was broken.

DJ walked into the living room. "Aww! I love you kids!" she squealed. She started walking past us again, but then realized our sad expressions. "Wait a second. What's wrong with you guys?"

"My mom hasn't told you?"

"Told me what?"

"She got tired of my dad and now she wants to move. She told me to pack my stuff. She's house hunting right now."

"Oh come on, you know you mom. Kimmy can be crazy, but she wouldn't leave this house!"

"I don't know. She seemed serious this time."

"Everything will be fine you two. Now perk up! I wanna see smiles on those cute faces!" Jackson and I both gave weak smiles. I wasn't convinced. I knew DJ meant well, and I know what she said was true in most cases... but this didn't seem like most cases for some reason. Something wasn't the same as it usually was.

DJ grinned at us and then went into the kitchen. She came back out minutes later. "She's actually house hunting," she whispered, looking slightly worried. I gave her a sad look and she frowned back at me. "You know what, I'm sure this will all turn out fine! Don't worry too much." She walked back into the kitchen, waving a hand as if waving a problem away.

"Jackson, how could this happen?" I whispered.

"It cant happen. It won't happen. She'll change her mind," he said, halfway confidently. He was probably trying to convince himself as well as me.

"I don't know. What if we can't see each other anymore?" I was looking down at my hands, but I saw him look at me out of the corner of my eye. I looked up. He was gazing at me sadly. I searched his eyes for a hint of hope, but I couldn't find one. How could this happen, I thought again.

Wow. Raise your hand if you're stressedddd 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ I hope you're liking the story! Shoutout to A_Little_Gem for this chapter. She inspired me❤️ also my brother got Wattpad and posted the beginnings to some stories to see if people would like them so definitely check out his account his name is Jaxmerius !

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