Chapter 5

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Mark and I both stood in our places just looking at  each other. I examined him as a I tried to process just how small of world we must be in for us to somehow cross paths again. He hadn't bothered to put on a mask like the other guys, and like them he was dressed in joggers, sneakers, and a hoodie.

While we were silent, someone cleared their throat, and I looked over to see the tall brunette guy's face full of confusion. He looked over to Mark, "You know her? How?"

Mark nodded and said, in a more hushed tone even though I still heard, "Remember the girl I told you about when I got back?" His friend took a second to think before his face lit up with recollection, you could almost see the lightbulb hovering over his head.

Wait, he talked about me? For some reason that made my mouth quirk into a small smile.

Another one of Mark's friends, a bunny-looking guy with dark hair who had been watching silently finally said, "Mark-ah, can you please order your food so we can get ours? I'm drained from practice."

Mark apologized before quickly making his way to the counter. Directly in front of me. I nervously smiled up at him which he returned confidently with that charismatic smile that he always wore. "It's nice to see you again." He said lowly, looking back to see if his friends were paying attention. They weren't, they were too busy singing along to Red Velvet who were performing on the TV.

"You too. Small world, right?" He nodded and huffed a laugh. "What can I get for you?"

"I absolutely love the jajangmyeon here, I get it every time. This restaurant makes it best." He says, and my heart swells with pride. I guess I might be seeing more of him if he comes here so often, and that thought makes me happy. I thank him and he pays for the food before I excuse myself to go prepare the 4 meals he and his friends ordered, but instead of sitting at their table he stands on the other side of the griddle to watch me cook. I get to work, feeling his eyes on me.

Mark's POV

I watch her as she cooks, still unable to get over the fact that I feel like I've been given a second chance. After I realized I didn't have her number, I was very disappointed. Seeing her after hearing her call my name gave me a surge of energy and hope. She remembers me, and I'm going to take advantage of this opportunity again.

She executes her cooking techniques skillfully, so that even to the untrained eye you can detect her advanced training. I decide to start a conversation. "So, how have the past few days been? Being back home and all."

She keeps her eyes on her work as she answers, "Really great, I didn't realize how much I missed my parents and siblings, plus I get to continue practicing by helping out here in the restaurant." I admire her determination and passion, it's similar to how I am with my profession. "How about you?"

I think back on the past few days. It's been hectic, we've been practicing non-stop with our new song and choreography for our new Japanese music. "It's been busy. Nothing I'm not used to, though."

She nods, squirting something onto the griddle causing a fire to rise up. I jump back a little as she quickly defuses it and she laughs at my reaction. I laugh too, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. "So when's your cousin's party?"

"Tomorrow night, actually. Which, thanks for reminding me, I still have to get a dress for." She divides the portions and scoops the last of what was on the griddle onto a plate before finally looking up at me. "I'm about to bring these out if you want to join your friends at the table." I offer her help, but she quickly denies and I leave to go join my band mates.

I walk over and take a seat next to Johnny, across from Doyoung and Yuta, and they don't waste a second before asking me questions. Yuta gives an inquisitive look before asking me, "Does she know who we are? She asked me for my name, not that I automatically expect people to know, it's just we're here all the time."

I shook my head, "No, she didn't recognize me either. She doesn't know NCT." Doyoung raises his eyebrows, giving me an expectant look and I just shrug my shoulders, giving him an innocent look. "What? I don't want her to treat me differently, is that so wrong?" He doesn't disagree and I give a triumphant smile.

"Since you're so energetic, wanna go get some napkins?" Before I can even argue with Johnny that I just sat down, he shushes me and points to where the napkins are, not even looking in their direction. I let out a huff and reluctantly get up.

Mina's POV

I gather all 4 of the plates and put them on a large tray. Carefully, I make my way out from the kitchen and head to the table where only 3 of them were seated. I reach the table and the guys all grin, their mouths practically watering at the food. I place each dish in front of their respective owner and they all thank me before digging in.

"Wahh, this is amazing. You made this?" The bunny-looking guy said, looking at me with his cheeks stuffed with food. I nodded and flushed a little at the acknowledgment.

Yuta swallows before smirking. "Wow, Mark is one lucky guy, huh? A girl who can cook." The guys snicker and I blush even harder.

I let out an awkward laugh before quickly turning around to escape the situation. I didn't look before rushing away, and thanks to my carelessness I found myself hitting something hard. It wasn't until I lost my footing that I realized it was a body. Once again I braced myself for impact, but once again, a pair of strong arms gripped my waist and hoisted me onto my feet.

Mark looks down at me and chuckles, the corner of his mouth titled up in amusement. "Aish, so clumsy. We have to stop meeting like this."

I look down and blush. "That was cheesy." I tilt my head up to face Mark and find myself getting lost in those warm brown eyes. I flush and glance away, taking a step and preparing to walk away. "I hope you enjoy your food."

I barely make it a step away before Mark grabs my arm, halting me and I turn to face him with my eyebrows furrowed. "Wait!" He exclaims. "Can I get your number?" My eyebrows jump and once again I can feel heat rising in my cheeks. Geez, these guys must think I have a problem with all the blushing I've been doing, but I can't help it.

"It's just, last time I forgot to ask and talking to you on the plane was very nice and I was hoping we could be good friends. You don't have to though if you don't want to, I understand you haven't known me very-" I cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth. He widens his eyes and looks at me.

"Stop worrying so much, of course you can have my number." I giggle before holding out my hand. Mark looks at it for a second before realizing my gesture, unlocking his phone and placing it in my open palm. I input my information and save myself as "Chef Jung", calling myself so I can have his number before handing it back to him with a wink.

"Enjoy your meal.", I say to him and his friends while waving. I head back over to the counter and leave them to eat together, thinking over the night.


I lay in bed later that night, staring at my phone. Should I text him first? Is he expecting me to? Should I wait for him or should I just send it and make the first move? No half sends in 2018, right? As soon as I began to type my first message, my phone vibrates signalling a text.

Mark: hey mina, it's mark!

A smile breaks out on my face and I instantly reply.


Please let me know what you guys think so far by commenting! I'd really appreciate some feedback. Do you guys like the story? Thank you for reading!

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