Hey guys!
I'm doing one of those covermaker notes again, because if you have been with me for a while now, you'd know I like to keep you guys in the loop of my awfully busy life ahaha.
So since I have to have multiple lists of what I need to do otherwise I forget things/go crazy, I made one up for you guys. It's a list of the order in which I'm doing your covers in.
Also, I'm writing this to let you know that next week I have mid year exams (in the middle of the freaking term and it's stressing me out) so don't be surprised if there is a slight delay in my cover making. Amongst that, since it is the middle of the term, I have core assignments for pretty much all of my six subjects which have to be completed on top of exam prep and whatnot. So that also holds me back. And I'm sorry but it's completely out of my control. Let's say senior school has hit me hard ahaha.
Anyways, look at the list above to see where you're at with my cover completing. And if your name is not on there just message me because there is a chance that I might've missed a couple when looking through the comments in the requirements chapter and PM's.
The usernames in the list are organised from who sent me their "form" first whether it was through Instagram (samanthahigh_*shameless self-promo*😜), the actual Requirements chapter of this cover shop or PM's in Wattpad. And yes if the form was submitted on a certain day where other forms were also submitted, I do look at the time they were sent because it's only fair 😁
Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week/day/night/life and see you all soon with a new cover! 😁
Book Covers 🚫
Random***CLOSED FOR GOOD**** Did you just get an amazing book idea, and need help with an intriguing cover to seal the deal? Do you need an eye-catching cover to draw attention to your book? Or do you wish to finally get a cover for that book that you h...