Jaylen stood on the precipice of the portal. Bolts whizzed by his head but did not shock him. The last Time Lord abdicated his position in a violent accident. Now, it was up to him to clean up the mess or the universe would explode.
He was never lucky in the game of love. In fact, he never made it past second base. The final verdict was always the same, friend-zoned. It messed with his pride just a little. No sympathy today, only the loss of his virginity.
"Oy, wad you hit 'em with, a stick?"
"It's called a sap, Charlie."
"Wat the 'ell is that?"
"You sneak up and clobber someone with it. Knocks 'em right out."
"Dis ain't no video game, bruv. You better hope he don't wake."
"That 'urts my pride."
It was going to be close. Bursts of energy pulsed from the singularity. The temperature continued to rise in the cabin. The engine whined as it reached max power. Prayer was the only hope left.
"You know what I believe? I think that there are too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. I think that in a rush to help everyone you have done more damage than I ever could. For all my faults, I only wanted to make the world a better place for me."
Space wasn't the final frontier, only the next. I can tell you one thing in my 50 plus years of traveling the universe. Aliens are assholes just like us. If only I had a credit for everything I met that had the universe figured out.
Micro Stories: Volume 2
Short Story100+ micro-stories ripped from the mind and Twitter Account of Arthur Unk. The collection, as a whole, is best understood if you have some degree of ADD or ADHD. Multiple genres represented: horror, sci-fi, fan fiction, romance, erotica, poetry, au...