Chapter 4 ~ Whats Wrong with Me?

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I woke up in Glenroy Hospital connected to all sorts of machines.

"Nurse!" I heard my mother yell.

"M-mum?" Everything was hazy and I couldn't see properly, "what happened?" I said touching my head.

"We don't know, but your lucky Sam was there!" She said as the nurse began to walk in.

"Okay darl, your going to have to lift your head for a second. I'm just going to put a headset over your head to see how your brain is functioning," she spoke to me through every step, and everything she was doing, "were you drinking or taking any.." She hesitated, "drugs in the last 24 hours?" I looked at her, my eyelids half opened.

"I haven't taken any drugs or drunk any alcohol, that I know of," the nurse looked at me.

Surprised she answered back, "what do you mean that you know of?"

"Well, I had a drink last night at the movies. No alcohol in it." I was beginning to feel confused. But I think I was already confused.

We got interrupted when the doctor came in with a piece of paper, "ok Ashley, we have confirmation that your 'drink' last night had been spiked."

"Spiked? How? I saw the usher poor the drink and everything! Then put it on the counter and then another person came in and took it," I said realising what happened.

------ 5 hours later ------

After hours of tests and being plugged into machines repeatedly, I was wheeled out to the car in a wheelchair, but before we even got out of the building. I saw Sam sitting in the waiting room. I quickly covered my face and looked away. In the corner of my eye I saw him stop walking. I told mum to walk faster to get out quicker.

As we arrived home, I decided to text Sam and thank him for taking me to hospital and said it was okay that he didn't stay. I lied, but only because I was embarrassed. Him seeing me in a state that isn't exactly pretty, was embarrassing.

Within a minute, he replied, "but i was there, you looked directly at me then faced the other way" in my mind, it was the right thing to do. But to hurt someone like that isn't the right thing for a relationship. I apologised and told him why, and then we ended up talking for hours.

Throughout the past week, Sam and I had grown closer and closer each day. We decided to finally change our Facebook status' and go out on dinner dates with our friends who recently got together. Rachel and Brian.

------ thank you for reading!! Please comment if you like it, or what u would like to happen! ------

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