Parents- Lee Felix

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Story Line: Felix meets your parents for the first time.

Your POV

"Y/N! I need help picking an outfit!" Felix whined from your shared bedroom.

You sighed and walked over to the room, leaning into the doorway.

"Felix it doesn't matter what you wear." You rolled your eyes.

"I want to make a good impression on my girlfriends parents." He pouted.

"You think your clothes are gonna do that?" You laughed

He sighed and flopped backwards onto the bed.

"Can you just help me?" He asked

You smiled and walked over to the closet.

"Were you planning on wearing a full on suit?" You asked, turning back to him.

"I have to look good Y/N!" He exclaimed

"Felix I'm literally just wearing jeans and a shirt! You don't need to look like your going to a wedding." You said

You pulled out a pair of jeans and nice looking sweater and threw it at him.

"Put that on. No complaints!" You stated, while walking out of the room.

After a few minutes he came out with a glare on his face.

"What now?" You asked

"I look 12 years old." He said

"It's not my fault You have a baby face." You smiled, while pinching his cheeks.

"Stop." He said smacking your hands away.

You giggled and went downstairs to grab your purse and phone.

"Are you ready to go? Or do you need to change again?" You smiled

"Hopefully your parents Don't mind me looking like I'm in kindergarten." He groaned

"No matter what you wore, you would have looked like that." You said shutting the front door and locking it.

Once you arrived at their house, felix started panicking. You stepped out of the car and tried to open his door, but he locked himself inside.

He rolled his window down and smiled at you.

"What are you doing?" You crossed your arms.

"Arent you gonna go inside?" He asked

"Lee felix. Get out of the car." You said

He sighed in defeat and got out.

"Thank you." You smiled, grabbing his hand.

You two walked up the steps and stopped at the front door.

"I can't go inside there..." He sighed

"Felix..." You groaned

"What if they Don't like me? What if they Don't like my career? What if-"

You pushed a finger to his lips and smiled.

"Felix I literally never shut up about you when I visit. They've been wanting to meet you for a really long time. Now, calm down and just come inside. I promise they're harmless." You said

He sighed and fixed the sleeves on his sweater.

"You ready?" You asked

He nodded and grabbed your hand once again. You knocked on the door and your father answered.

"Honey! They're here!" Your father yelled.

Your mom came running down the stairs with a smile on her face.

"Y/N! Felix! I've been waiting for so long!" He squealed, pulling you two into a hug.

"Mom stop." You said, your voice muffled from being buried in her shirt.

"Sorry. Come inside, dinner is almost ready." She smiled

You looked at Felix with a smile.

"See? Everything's gonna be fine." You whsipered

You and Felix walked inside, and went into the kitchen.

"Can i help you set the the table Mrs. Y/L/N?" Felix asked.

You smiled at Felixs kindness. You could tell he wasn't very nervous anymore.

"Oh! Sure Felix." Your mom smiled.

After felix set the table, your mom served dinner. You all sat down at the table and started talking.

"So Felix, Y/N told us that you're in a band." Your dad said after sipping his water.

"Uh yeah..." He smiled

"What exactly do you do?" Your dad asked

"Dad." You said through your gritted teeth.

"Well theres nine of us total. We all sing and dance. We're actually pretty popular in Korea." Felix smiled

"That's nice. When I was younger I used to be in a band. Around high school time. Man, memories." Your dad sighed

"Dad nobody needed to know that." You giggled

"Have you guys ever talked about your future? Like getting married and having kids?" Your mom interrupted

"Mom! We're only 17!" You laughed

"So it's never too early to think about that." She said.

After another hour or so of talking, you and felix helped your parents clean up.

"Well Mom I think it's time for us to head out." You said.

"Okay sweetheart. Come again please! He's really cute." Your mom whispered.

"Your like 30 years older than him mom, try again." You smiled

She winked and continued washing the dishes.

"Gross." You whispered

You and felix went back out to the car, once you started driving he looked at you and smiled.

"What's that look for?" You asked

"So do you ever wanna have kids?" He asked

"Felix!" You smacked his arm.

He laughed and grabbed your hand.

"I love you." He smiled.


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