Just Jealousy - Jeongin

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Requested By M_inseo ✨❤️
Sorry for not getting to the requests until now.

"Okay, well then what's your favorite thing about me?" Seungmin asked.

You had originally been invited by Jeongin to hang out, but Jeongin was called to do some chores while you were I've. So you turned to your other breathing friend out if the boys, Seungmin; for some entertainment while you waiting for Jeongin.

"Um, I like your laugh." You smiled

"I like yours too. But your smile when you laugh is even better." He said

Jeongin stood on the other side of the wall listening to your conversation. Seungmin knew that Jeongin liked you, so he should t have been flirting with you right?

Fear ran through Jeongin's blood. What if you ended up liking Seungmin and not Jeongin? He didn't want to overstep his boundaries so he kept listening, waiting for Seungmin to get up and leave.

Your conversation didn't last that line as you eventually fell asleep on Seungmin's shoulder watching the movie that was on when you came over.

Jeongin sloky stepped around the corner and looked right at Seungmin.

"What do you think your doing?" Jeongin whispered, despite being angry; he still wanted you to sleep.

Seungmin raised his eye brow in confused and shook his head. "what are you talking about?" He asked

"You were clearly flirting with y/n. Even though you know I like them." Jeongin pouted.

Seungmin lightly chuckled and looked down at you sleeping on his shoulder.

"Okay sorry. Just tell them and I won't do it anymore." Seungmin smirked

Jeongin's eyes widened and he aggressively shook his head no. "I can't do that."

"Why not?" Seungmin asked

"I just can't." Jeongin hung his head low.

"Alright. I guess I'll just have to make you." Seungmin said.

Later when the rest of the boys got home from their activities, you stayed to help Woojin and Chan cook dinner.

Seungmin came into the kitchen, making sure to be right in Jeongin's view. He came behind you and back hugged you.

"How's dinner going?" He asked

Chan sent Jeongin a weird look behind Seungmin's back.

Jeongin glared at Seungmin not even looking at Chan.

When dinner was served Seungmin made you sit next to him. You all dished up your food and made conversation with the boys. Jeongin watched across the table as you laughed with Seungmin.

"Y/n." Jeongin whispered to you and the boys were talking

"Yes innie?" You smiled

"I need to talk to you." He said, pulling you up and into the living room.

"Is everything okay Jeongin?" You asked

"No! It's not!" He yelled, startling you. "I'm sorry, it's just I need to tell you something." He sighed

"Okay, go ahead." You said

"I like you, alot." Jeongin said, his voice slightly above a whisper.

You smiled and pulled him into a hug, probably crushing his skull in the process.

"I thought you were never gonna tell me." You continued to hug him, ignoring his protests about how it was annoying.

He shoved himself away and caught his breath, chuckling.

"Well I did. Now no more flirting with Seungmin." He pouted.

You couldn't finish your sentence before you noticed Jeongin's eyes widening and starting right behind you.

You turned around and saw the rest of the boys peeking out of the doorway. Felix fell and landed on the floor.

"Seungmin told us what was going on." Felix stuttered

"I'm gonna kill all of you!" Jeongin screaming, chasing the boys back into the kitchen.




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