Secret kisses - Kim Seungmin

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I sighed as my bedroom door opened for the third time tonight.

"Seungmin I'm trying to sleep." I groaned.

Seungmin was my college roommate, he constantly had nightmares and I was the one he always came too.

"Y/N I promise this is the last time I'll come in here." He said

"If you wanna sleep in here, you can sleep on the window bed." I said, rolling back over to sleep.

"Okay." He said shakily.

The blankets behind me shifted as he sunk into the small window bed.

"I'm sorry for bothering you." He sighed

"It's fine seungmin. Did you have another nightmare?" I asked

"Yeah, this one was worse than the other ones." He said

I turned over and faced his body laying across from me.

"You wanna talk about it?" I smiled

"No it's fine, I know you have exams tomorrow. Just go back to sleep. I'll be fine Y/N." He said

"Seungmin please. I'm worried about you. You barely get any good sleep because of this." I rolled my eyes

"It's just...I dreamed that you were being kidnapped and it scared me." He said

I chuckled and walked over to the window where he was. I sat down at the end where his feet were.

"I'm fine seungmin. I'm not gonna get kidnapped minnie." I patted his fluffy hair.

"But what if you did?" He sat up, his eyes glimmering in the moonlight.

I pulled his head onto my shoulder and kissed his forehead. A blush spreading across my cheeks.

"I can't loose you. This is getting scary and I don't know what to do." He clung to my shirt while crying.

"Seungmin..." I sighed

"No no I get it, this was stupid. I'll go back to my room." He said standing up and heading to the door.

I grabbed his wrist and spun him towards me.

"This isn't stupid. I said you can sleep in here. So please do, if your scared of loosing me you can sleep in my bed." I smiled

"Thank you." He said

I pulled him and pushed him onto the bed, and ran to my closet.

"Soft and fluffy or big and warm?" I asked happily.

"Soft and fluffy please." He giggled.

I pulled a hot pink soft blanket from my closet and threw it at seungmin. I jumped back onto the bed causing g him to slightly bounce up.

"I thought you were tired." He laughed

"I was. But now I'm energetic." I smiled

He playfully rolled his eyes and pulled the blanket over his body.

"So now what?" He asked

"Well, I haven't seen you very much today. How was practice with the boys?" I asked

"It was good. Jeongin brought his girlfriend in today, she's nice." He said

"Awh, little baby ginnie has a girlfriend." I laughed

"Yeah." He said

He softly shut his eyes and sighed.

"Can I sleep?" He whispered

"Go ahead." I said

He drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Leaving me alone in my thoughts and the slight darkness.

Ever since seungmin moved in with me, I've had a small (huge) crush on him. I don't wanna distract him from his career so I haven't told him.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at his sweet sleeping figure. His lips curving into a small smile every once in a while. I leaned in and placed a small kiss to his heart shaped lips.

I rolled over and started blushing again, dropping off into sleep soon after.

The next morning.

I put Seungmin's glass of orange juice on the table as I waited for him to wake up.

After a few minutes of setting the table, he happily skipped down the stairs. His backpack and six books in his hand.

"Goodmorning Y/N." He smiled

"Morning seungmin." I said, turning away.

"Did you sleep good?" He asked.

I nodded and laid his fork next to his waffles.

"You staying for breakfast?" I asked, sitting down at the table.

He nodded and sat across from me, dumping half the bottle of syrup onto the waffles.

"Really seungmin?" I laughed

"What? I like syrup." He said

We sat in silence as we ate or breakfast. Occasionally exchanging glances with one another.

"So uh, thanks for letting me sleep in your room last night." He broke the silence.

"No problem." I stuttered

He started blushing as he grabbed my hand.

"I enjoyed that kiss by the way." He smirked, almost making me spit out my coffee.

"What?" I asked, pretending I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Really Y/N? You know what I'm talking about." He smiled

"Yeah sure." I stuttered

"Well I gotta go." He stood up placing his plate into the sink.

He placed another kiss on my lips as he ran to the front door.

"See you later, babe." He chuckled.


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