Maniac! - Bang Chan

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I had to write an imagine involving Conan Gray...before he started blowing up on tik tok your girl was in love with him 😔

Idol!Chan x Idol!Reader

I couldn't walk anywhere anymore, without the whispers and people staring. After Chan and I had parted ways three months ago, all people saw in me was someone who used him for fame. I yourself being an idol, knew feel down if word got spread to the public; everything I had worked so hard to achieve would be gone.

I already lost quite a few friends due to Chan spreading rumors about how I had treated him badly, and chatted on him. My real friends knew me, and knew that i'd never treat another human being like they were nothing. But according to Chan, that's exactly what i would do.


It was around 11 PM when i arrived home. Kicking off my shoes at the front door and heading towards the bathroom for a shower. I had just gotten home from practice, and wanted nothing more than a nap, and maybe some popcorn.

After mt shower, filled with imaginary concerts and arguments I knew would never happen; i got dressed and cozied into my bed. It only took a few minutes of tossing and turning before I got comfortable. But almost as soon as I did, my phone started blowing up. Notifications from Twitter, Instagram and text messages from my friend's flooded my phone.

What caught my eye the most was that my best friend Jacob had texted me a whole paragraph about how I needed to clear my name before my career was ended.

Picking up my phone and scrolling endlessly, I came across the article that started it all. One of Chan's friends had spilled to an interviewer everything Chan had told him about me. I couldn't tell the emotions I was feeling, anger, sadness, but most importantly I was oddly satisfied. Know that part of Chan would be ruined to, because now some of his fans knew we dated.

But then I got the sense of dread, I'd be ruined too. I flung myself out of bed rather violently and grabbed my shoes. Storming out the house I immediately made my way to Chan's apartment.


It tools alot of thought and prayer about how I would handle this situation. All of it was thrown out the window and forgotten when Chan opened his apartment door.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled, stomping into his apartment uninvited.

I didn't let him speak a word before I started yelling even harder.

"You tell all of your friends that I'm crazy and drive you mad. That I'm such a 'stalker' a 'watcher, a 'phsycopath.'" at this point I'd never been so mad.

Chan stayed silent, no protests. He just stood there, watching me.

"Then tell them you hate me and dated me just for laughs. So why do you call me and tell me you want me back?"

Chan's expression went from blank, to utter sadness. I could tell he was Dissapointed in his actions and wanted nothing more but to fix it.

"I needed a refresher. I needed to feel better about the break-up. So I went around and told lies to make it seem like I was the victim and so people would comfort me.." He sighed

"You Maniac!" I yelled, throwing my hands above my head. "You know I hope this is what you wanted. Because this will be the last time you ever get attention from anyone." I growled.

Chan looked down at his feet and sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't fix what's about to happen to you Chan." I smiled; and out the door I went. On my way to find his manager, and the closest news outlet I could find.


Yee haw boys and girls. I haven't written a chapter in a hot minute. I can't even begin to explain how good it felt to finally write again. Let me know what you thought in comments. Feedback is so important to me. Bye bye!

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