Crush- BangChan

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StoryLine: Chan has a crush on you and the members will make sure you find out.

Your POV

You and Seungmin went out to get ice cream after your school ended, as you sat across from eachother Seungmin was smiling brightly at you.

"Why are you smiling?" You asked.

"When was the last time you and Chan hung out?" He asked

"Um...maybe a month ago? We don't talk that much anymore." You shrugged

"Why not?" He asked

"Every time I ask he kinda just brushes it off. I don't think he wants to be friends." You sighed

Seungmin let out a snicker that made you bring your head up to look at him.

"Really?" He giggled.

"What?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing, when we get done with this will you come to the studio with me? I wanna know your opinion on a song." He smiled

"Sure." You said.

After you finished your ice cream, Seungmin and you went to the studio. He opened the practice room door to reveal Minho, Chan and Woojin practicing their dancing. Chan looked over at you and tripped over his own feet. He fell to the ground and clutched his foot in pain. You rushed over to him and put your hand under his head.

"Oh my god, Chan are you okay?" You asked

"Yeah i'm fine. What are you doing here?" He asked, trying to stand up.

He fell right back down and he held his foot tighter.

"No you're not, and Seungmin wanted to show me a new song." You sighed

Chan looked over at Seungmins smiling face.

"We haven't written any new songs." Minho interrupted.

Woojin smirked and walked out if the room.

"Is there something going on here I don't know about?" Chan asked

"Let's not worried about it. We need to fix your foot." You said

You helped his arm over your shoulder as you sat him down in one of the chairs.

"I'll go get the manager," Seungmin said.

"I'll go with him." Minho stuttered

That left only you and Chan.

"This might hurt a little." You said

He groaned as you snapped his ankle back into place.

"Where'd you learn to do that?" He asked, moving his foot around in a circular motion.

"My school teaches medical classes. I actually pay attetion." You smiled.

"Well thank you." He smiled, he stoid up and headed for the door.

"Chan wait!" You yelled

He turned and looked at you with a worried look.

"Do you hate me?" You asked

A sad look fell up on his face as we walked back towards you.

"No I don't hate you. I actually really like you. I just was afraid to tell you because I known you don't like me." He sighed

"Chan you're and idiot. Of course I like you." You giggled

"Really?" He smiled

"Chan you flirt with me everytime we see eachother. You literally called me hot when I went to your concert last week." You laughed

Be covered his face in embarrassment and turned his back to you.

"Then if you know, would you wanna go on a date this Friday?" He asked

"Maybe I'll say yes if you uncover your face and face me." You smirked

He turned and looked at you in the eyes.

"Yes or no?" He asked

"Why not." You smiled.

"Thank God." A voice said from behind you.

Felix stood in the door way with his phone in his hand.

"I'm pretty sure we all thought that would never happen." Felix said

"Were you recording that?" Chan asked.

Felix's eyes widened as he ran away.

"Hey! Get back here!" Chan yelled chasing after him.

Minho walked in with a cheeky smile on his face.

"My school teaches medical school? That's your best conversation starter?" He laughed

"I'll go Get the manager? That's your best excuse?" You mocked

"Touché." He said


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