I don't have a thought that is sober - •Felix•

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Warnings: underage drinking, cursing.

"You're being crazy again." Felix laughed

"No I'm not, you are." You drunkenly slurred

Felix and you and been best friends since he became a trainee, Chan was the one who introduced you to him. Chan not knowing that you weren't exactly the most well behaved 17 year old. Felix never really gave into your habits. You weren't a heavy drinker, you only did it when it was a weekend. Even then it was rare.

But when you did it, you got practically insane.

"Y/n stop running you're gonna fall!" Felix yelled as he chased after you.

"Suck my di-" You fell face first on to the pavement, barely catching yourself in your hands.

He heavy sighed and helped you up. "Come and sit down please." He leaned you up against the cement wall and sat in front of you.

"What am I gonna do with you?" He shook his head.

"Love me." You shrugged

Silence ensued between you as you looked around the dark night sky.

"Felix." You sternly said

"Yeah?" He asked

"I like you." You said

"I like you too? You're my best friend I kinda have too." He chuckled

"No, like really really like you." You pointed straight at him.

"Okay, I like you too. It's not like your gonna remember saying these things." He smiled

"Oh well." You smacked a hand against his shoulder "By the way, I wonder who invented clapping. Like how did that even become a thing?" You asked

"You're thinking weird things, I think it's time to take you home." He said, picking you up and slinging your arm around his shoulders.

"I am not thinking weird things Felix Lee! These are perfectly normal thoughts." You rolled your eyes

"Yeah okay whatever." He laughed

The next morning was rough, Felix of course had to leave for practice; but with you having a hangover that probably wasn't the best option. Leaving you alone was always a bad idea after a hangover.

Felix ❤️

Sorry for leaving you alone last night. Chan called me late at night. ❤️

It's okay, honestly I'm just gonna sleep all day. Have fun at practice.

Always after partying like that you were self conscious about things you might have said.

By the way, I didn't say anything super bad last night did I?

Um, no?

What do you mean um?

Nothing. I'll tell u later.



You literally have broken my best friend wtf


Why is he screaming and running around the practice room saying that he "doesn't know how to say it back now."

Say what back?

I should let him tell you that.

Felix ❤️

Okay so Seungmin probably already ruined it but I like you too. K bye I'm gonna go cry in a corner now

Why are you telling me this

That's why

Omg omg omg omg omg

It's okay y/n at least now u know

Keep me away from alcohol pls 🤦

No I liked hearing your secrets

But you never answered my question about the clapping thing 🤔

Omfg y/n quit it

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