Chapter 16

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Lauren's POV

Opening my eyes. I am greeted by Jason. He looks at me with a smile. I stretch. And look around for everybody else. Realizing Justin wasn't there I looked back at Jason.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"Lauren." He trails off.

"NO!" I scream. "Where is he?"

"We couldn't get him out. Scooter was going to bail him out... but he said he didn't know that Justin sitting in that cell."

I huffed. "So you just left him there?" Typical.

"It sounds bad, but I promise I tried." He sighs, "My dad is going to get him today."

"Oh great." I hiss. "The people who are the reason for him being insane."

The thing I learned about being around Justin all these years was his childhood wasn't all that great growing up. Thats why he is a sarcastic, tempered asshole. I love him with all my heart but the first time we were together. He was so wishy and washy. Almost as if he was bipolar. I know I wasn't right in every situation, but he was wrong more than me.

Justin's POV

As the process took forever. I look at my dad and grandfather. My dad shaking his head and my grandpa smiling.

"Took you long enough." I spat, putting my Cartier bracelets back around my wrist.

"Justin." My father shook me. "I am not happy nor are you going back to work."

I glared at him before looking at my grandfather. "Jason is overseeing everything until you get back."

"Fuck no." I spat. "I am well enough to handle my Chief Executive duties."

My grandfather patted my shoulder. "You need to relax. Go on vacation."

"With who." I hiss. "I have no one."

"What about Lauren." My dad shrugs. "She's been the best thing to happen to you."

Lauren was the best thing to happen to me. But  I am barely getting sleep from the Dylan bullshit. And she was mad at me, for showing my ass in front of her daughter. I was a man for a child's eyes or ears. I get my hands on my phone and see missed calls from Lauren and unknown number.

I know what you did. And this is where I finally see you crumble for the piece of shit you are.

Great. More of these stupid fucking texts. I lock my phone. I am not feeding into this shit anymore. Dylan was gone and made it known he wasn't working alone so I don't know why I thought this was over. A lot of people hated me. The possibilities of who else could be trying to tear me down was like a damn book.

"So. Is that a yes?" My dad said snapping his finger in front of my eyes.

I break from my trance. "Yes?!" I say nodding. Not knowing what I was actually agreeing to. Getting in the car, the ride was long, I felt myself skimming over Lauren's missed calls. I kept wanting to click it. But something told me not to. I didn't know if I was mentally ready to take her harshness. Maybe I should keep her safe and keep her on the back burner until I find out who was working with Dylan. For her safety. I nodded. Yeah, what is she going to do? Hate me even more. I dial Jason in the car ride. It rings and rings until my twin answers.

"Hey." He said in a short tone.

"Is Lauren with you?" I ask.

"Yes." He says. I hear Lauren in the background asking if it was me that he was talking to.

"I need to figure some things out. And to do that I need to cut ties with Lauren." I huff.

"Uh... are you insane." He says shutting a door. "I had to walk away. Justin she's going insane in here not able to talk to you, touch you, or make sure you are okay. And I'm basically acting as her bitch."

"Dylan was working with somebody. They have texted me. I just want you to make sure that Lauren doesn't get anymore. I want her safe. And with you being in charge of the company until I get my head on straight. I need you to promise me that."

"Oh my god." He groans. "Fine."

I sigh before quickly hanging up the phone. I needed to go home and just do something to bring myself up and out this hole I fell in. And it doesn't help I fucking carry this guilt of killing Dylan even though he rightfully deserved it. 

I get dropped off and walk inside my house. Taking a deep breath and shutting the door before locking in. I hear Mary, "Justin." She cries as she pulls me into a hug. "I was so worried about you."

"Thank you Mary. I am going to my office to work. So if you need me." I ramble. I walk into my office to get to work on what really needed to be done. Find out who this other prick was bothering me and threatening me. If they knew I killed Dylan. I could go to jail. For some serious time. And I was not about to do that. I open my desktop that was nicely placed on my home office desk. Opening my file of evidence since this whole fiasco started. I saw my phone ring and it was Lauren. I sigh deeply as I watched it ring and ring. The hurt inside me building, tempted to answer it. But knowing what I vowed to do. I love you Lauren. And I promise you, once I find out we can be together with nobody trying to come in between us. I was relieved when the phone finally stopped ringing but my heart sank when I saw she left me a voicemail.

So this chapter is basic because I am getting back into the story and a lot of drama went down but I am finally going to finish this sequel how I've wanted it to end. Give me some time. I wish I would've finished it sooner. I'm sorry babes so prepare for the next to last few chapters because it's going to be a fucking roller coaster beeotchs

I'm Still Yours, Mr. Bieber: Sequel to Mr. Bieber's Assistant / JaurenWhere stories live. Discover now