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'' Good morning pretty '' Jana greeted me sweetly using our given name for each other hugging me from behind.

'' Hey pretty!'' I replied turning my body to hugged her back.

'' how are you? you look like.....'' anticipating what she gonna say I hushed her with my finger and help to say the word.

'' terrible? I know that, I didn't sleep last night '' I sighed and take my walk with Jana at my side.

'' why, what's wrong pretty? '' she asked fixing her skirt that was blown by the wind.

'' stupid wind, tsk!!'' she cursed making me to softly laugh.

'' okay back to my question '' she motioned me to go on.

'' nothing ''

I paused for a second still battling to ask her or not, but there's no harm if I do right she's one of my bestfriends and the sweetest one. I took a deep breath before asking her. I ceased from walking and dragged her for a seat.

'' but ahm can I ask you few questions?? I mean hypothetical questions? '' I asked hiding my nervousness, holding her shoulders.

'' okay?? so hypothetical huh? '' she said with a confused face.

'' yeah'' I told weakly

'' okay go on ''

'' what does it mean when you ahm...kissed someone but you're not together and you feel something.......''

I paused searching for the the right word.

'' amazing? '' she patched.

'' y...yeah '' she hold her chin with her thumb and pointing finger.

well that's her whenever she's thinking.

'' well maybe it's just nothing but a kiss or maybe that person is having a developing feelings towards that another person ''

'' okay? but what if person A pushed person B away and now they're not talking? '' I eagerly asked.

'' ahm what kind of pushing? ''

'' person A told B that it was nothing but a kiss and it was a mistake '' she nodded for understanding.

'' then person B would be hurting by now if that kiss meant something for him or her '' she vocalized and hearing what she told my eyes diverted downward and got silent.

'' pretty are you sure that this is just hypothetical?? '' she raised an eyebrow.

'' yeah why? '' now I'm looking at her.

'' because the way you talked about it, you knew it very well ''

'' well a...ah it's the typical thing right? ''

'' yeah you're right, well to add on that, if they are not still talking, one of them should reach out, if not then person A might lose person B and vice versa, that's the reality ''

Cheating my Boyfriend with my Girlfriend (GxG story)  - COMPLETED  *UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now