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Not a Mistake

'' what's wrong with me. I'm not jealous right? why should I. I mean I have Aidan-the perfect Aidan Greythorn and I'm a girl so I shouldn't have this feeling towards Kaia '' I murmured to myself pacing back and forth inside my room for half an hour now saying the same thing.

When my feet started to feel sore I took my seat at the bottom part of the bed but still mumbling words I also barely to comprehend, it's like my mouth has it's own life.

for heaven sake. I think I'm becoming crazy for real!

I sighed and let the soft mattress magnetized my back. I spread my arms and stared at the ceiling as I remember how she sang the song for her first love.

Remembering her first love, I become curious if it's a SHE or a HE?

Kaia did you bewitched me or something? why I always keep on thinking about you and why do I care if you wrote a song to whoever your first love was?

A moment later the million thoughts I'm having was disturbed with a soft knock at my door.

Assuming that it could be Keana again I swung the door open with an annoyed face.

'' What???'' I asked pissed off, but the person standing infront of me caught me off guard.

'' bad timing? '' Kaia replied smiling but with a curious face.

'' a....ah....ahm ''

shit!!! here I go again....

The sight of her makes my mind in turmoil resulting my tongue to rolled back again not permitting me to say what I wanted to say, so I just close my mouth then open again and close.

oh my god!!!

And because nervousness and shock overpowered me I slammed the door close, my heart beat so fast like I had a marathon just now and my body feels so cold.

calm down Skylar! calm down!!!!! please!

but nothing happens even I begged myself to calm down until she knocks again. I tried to compose myself though my heart still pounding so hard.

'' Skylar Aevery '' she called.

open the door skylar!!!

I will, wait wait wait

take a deep breath, in and out

And I did what my other self told me to do so.

Okay I'm gonna open the door now.

I slowly rotate the door knob and swung it open again.

'' hi '' I told her with a forced nervous smile

'' are you okay? you just closed the door even I'm here ''

'' Oh!!!! that??? ahm ahm... I'm sorry I just panicked ''

with the word panic my head becomes more dizzy, why did I told her that I'm panicking??


Cheating my Boyfriend with my Girlfriend (GxG story)  - COMPLETED  *UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now