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The New Girl


'' oh holy gracious this headache really  the most painful among all the pains ever I could have '' I murmured to myself rubbing my temples.

Keana didn't let me sleep last night she's asking me literally everything and I don't know if she really need it or just her being my b**** cousin. Gladly uncle came early than I thought and have exchanged with me for being the care giver of keana and now here I am keeping my eyes wide awake with this terrible headache.

Fortunately  though the hallway are packed with students the noise was in minimum level keeping my turmoiling head to just relax. And just a second after I said that someone slammed the door open sending me a great smashing sound adding to the pain I'm having at the moment.


Turning my head at the direction. I saw a new face and I'm very sure this is the first time I've seen her. She has a  long but not having a blonde hair guys, not what others could picture out. It's actually red, tanned skin, nice height and curvy body with her pouty lips plus a sunglasses inside the school.

really where's the sun here??

All the students follow every confident steps this girl was making. She's wearing short skirt and crop top with her horrendous heels that you can hear the click clacking everytime she walks down the hallway.

I could hear lots of boys whistling and eyeing her lustly and girls well ofcourse chattering and gossiping with their girlfriends, a cliche scene when you are in highschool.

Shaking my head and not totally amazed with whoever she is, I make my own way away from the drama scene.

'' hey! ''

someone shouts but I deadpanned it and continue to walk thinking that it might be someone calling their friends.

'' hey Skylar!! ''

oh boy sure it's me this time. With a frown in my face I turned my heels to this someone and was surprised that this new girl was gallantly standing infront of me.

'' Hi skylar, nice to see you today '' she greeted smirking.

'' He---hello I'm sorry but who are you and how do you know me? '' I asked not sounding offensive. She looked at me and was about to open her mouth when Mel yells at my back, shooting me another pain in my poor head.

'' S finally you're here we have something to tell you, yesterday there was this red head bitch who are looking for you!!!! ''  she jabbered while approaching me. I am mouthing her to shut up but she didn't get it and continue with her mouthful rant with my two other bestfriends being her sidekicks.

And when she was standing beside me her eyes got wide when she saw the bitch she was pertaining to was smiling infront of me.

'' oh '' Jana and Hermonie exclaimed taking a step back.

'' am I that red head bitch? '' she told wiggling her fingers towards my friends leaving their mouths agaped.

'' look I'm sorry for that you know they didn't mean it, ahm......'' I apologized but stop remembering I still hasn't got her name.

Cheating my Boyfriend with my Girlfriend (GxG story)  - COMPLETED  *UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now