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You are the reason

- KAIA -

I know what they had plan was a total risk for everyone but if it means that she's going to breakfree and I can be with her in return. I can do whatever it takes just to hold her once more.

The gang exclude me with all the acting thing, they told me that getting busted will be higher in percentage if the men in black will see me hanging out with them and that's true, for sure Mr Princeton introduced my name and face to them, and now I'm patiently waiting for them to come. I am nervous and somehow, not somehow 'cause I am really scared. What if the plan didn't work out properly or they got busted and skylar will just take away from me even more??


I can't take it, just the think of her away from me makes me really dead inside but my thoughts disappears when a black car parked infront of the house.

The front door opens revealing jana and mel as the driver then the back seat with Anastasia, hermonie, keana and........

skylar's not with them?

but when I was about to ask Anastasia  shouted with her hands covering her mouth as if reading my thoughts.

'' Idol don't worry she's her! ''

and there she is in one smooth slow motion I saw her going out from the car then instantly our gazes meet.

She smiled at me and I to her. I waste no time and ran towards her as she did the same, we meet halfway and paused for a moment with one foot away from each other.

We looked at one other as our eyes becomes glossy.

'' hi '' she said and bit her lower lip

she's nervous again.

'' hi '' I smiled back from ear to ear revealing my dimple.

'' I missed you '' she told and that's it I can't take it any longer my heart was racing bigtime so I pulled her to a tight hug. She encircle her arms around my waist and whispered  '' I'm glad that I am here and now holding you '' 

'' me too I'm so happy love '' and I kissed her lips forgetting that we have our friends with us watching.

'' lovers do that inside, let's go in '' keana exclaimed pointing to the door and strode aiming for it.

Hermonie glanced at us as she past us by while jana and mel hugged both of us telling that they're glad seeing their bestfriends smiling and happy.

'' let's go or you two want to stay here out in cold? '' anastasia told passing us by as well grinning.

I looked at her and nod.

'' let's go ''  I told intertwinning our fingers as we strode inside.

'' yes finally we're going to eat!!!! '' anastasia exclaimed rubbing her palms really so dead hungry.

'' let's eat criminals !!! '' keana yelled laughing and start to eat after we say our prayer.

After the dinner we went to the living room just talking about anything, our friends have decided to stay for a night.

Cheating my Boyfriend with my Girlfriend (GxG story)  - COMPLETED  *UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now