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Going Back Home


'' are you really sure about it? '' keana asked me while driving the car to kaia's house.

After I talked to mom, I have decided to go back home and be with her. She's my mom it's my duty as her daughter to take care of her and help my brothers. And for about dad? I am setting it aside.

'' yes I need to go home for my mom '' I boringly replied looking outside the window.

'' how about adrienne? ''

'' she'll understand ''

I hope so.

'' okay ''

We took another minute or two before we reached the house.

'' thank you kea do you want to go inside while waiting for me? '' I asked her as I've open the car door.

'' nope I'm good here, go and prepare your things ''

'' you sure? ''

'' yes ''

'' okay '' I closed the door and strode towards the house tired of thinking what to do next after caging myself again inside my dad's property.

- KAIA -

I'm driving my car going home after a long and tiring day of work, but just the image of skylar waiting for me in our home with that angelic smile or the good smell she's cooking, her kiss and hugs sweeps away the tiredness like magic.

I parked my car and noticed keana's car outside. I beamed through the window and saw her with her eyes closed. I didn't try to wake her up and go directly inside with my mind running the thoughts why keana is out there like she's waiting for someone.

I padded the lock and swung it open. In the living room I saw skylar sitting with two luggages infront of her. Our eyes met and I could tell that she was going to say something that might cause my heart to break.

'' where are you going? '' I asked with a pounding heart. Skylar looked at me with a weary glare.

'' I... I think I'm not going to be happy to what I was about to hear right? '' my voice was shaking and she's in the verge of tearing up.

She stood up and walked up to me.

'' want me to go back home '' she paused and just stare at me, we're standing just two feet away from each other. I shrugged my shoulder and the happiness before was replaced by loneliness and sort of disbelief.

'' so you're leaving me here.....a...alone? '' I told her as I swallowed the building lump in my throat.

She glanced down and clenched her fist then unrolled it and meet my gaze again.

'' I'm sorry baby but I need to go home, mom needs me. '' she paused and encircle her arms around my neck  '' don't worry I'm going back here. I'll visit you often that you never think that I'm not living here anymore '' she lowly chuckled and hugged me tight.

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