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Adrienne's Girlfriend


The next day, everyone seemed still having  their hang over to what Aidan did yesterday. The students still eyeing me with their sparkling eyes as I'm taking my way towards my locker, but me with still a weary heart, I just managed to give them my shy smile.

I unlocked it and bring out all my needed books until I heard my phone rang, looking on it the name which I'm praying for a while now was the one that appeared.

S - hi love, I'm glad you called.

K - why is there something wrong?

S - nope I just missed you - I partly lied.

K - I missed you too, I'm sorry if I seldom calling you. I'm just so busy with all the work here.

S - I know and you're looking great by the way

K - hmmm you're watching me

S - ofcourse that's my only means to see you.

K - you are still my stalker?

S - yes the top one

K - I see * she giggle

'' S '' someone's calling me. I covered my phone's speaker and tilt my head back. Jana and Mel are waving their hands approaching me and I smiled at them in return.

I brought back my phone to my ear and talked to kaia.

S - love I call you back, my bestfriends are here.

K - okay I'll wait. I love you.

S - I love you too, take care.

-------- call ended ----------

'' S who are you talking to? '' jana asked kissing my cheek.

'' no one '' I told and the two glance with each other.

I sighed '' fine, that person ''  and the two mouthed okay and didn't pry more.

'' where's hermonie? ''

'' she don't want to see you S, sorry '' mel told hugging me.

'' that's fine I understand ''

'' guys! '' again a voice echoed, but now it's a male, though I didn't yet turning my head to know who it was, just the way Jana behave beside me it's probably Jason.

'' hello guys '' he greeted wearing his not so nerdy smile. Jana instantly unlinked her arm to mine and hugged her boyfriend so tight.

'' hugger '' mel exclaimed raising her eyebrow.

'' hello jason '' I told him and smiled.

'' how's everything? and where's Aidan and hermonie? '' he asked as we exchanged glances.

'' ahm babe just don't look for someone who's not here okay, they're busy doing something '' jana told cupping his cheeks and he nodded.

Cheating my Boyfriend with my Girlfriend (GxG story)  - COMPLETED  *UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now