Playable Characters.

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Me:Hello guys and welcome to another amazing entry in the truth or dare featuring most of your favorite characters from crossovers. I'm happy to do this second book and boy I hope it will be a blast but for now let's begin shall we? Arceus.

Arceus:I will give you author powers for this book as well.

Me:Yes. Lay it on me!

I get author powers.


Arceus:Now who are you going to invite?

Me:I'm thinking of.... hmmmmmm.... we're staring with 12 for now.

Arceus:Ok then.

Me:(warps to the Secret base)
I'm gonna have to lighten this place up.

After decorations and everything....

Me:All done now time to bring the cast.

Snaps portal and Sonic, Tails, Knuckles , Amy, Cream and Eggman fall out.


Eggman:What's going on here? What's happening !?

Tails:I think we might have gone through time and space.

Me:True that.

Amy:Hey it's Sam! Long time no see!

Me:Nice to see you guys now I hope you know why I called from across Mobius?





Knuckles:Fighting match.

Cream:I don't think that's appropriate.


Eggman:World domination.

Me:Man, get outta here! You ain't taking over here.

Eggman:Never mind.

Me:You're here for something special. I'm hosting a Truth or Dare series and you guys are in it!


Me:Now that we have brought the Sega Characters. Time to bring the other six who will be with you.

Sonic:Who are they?

Me:You will see soon enough.

Snaps my fingers and out comes 5 girls from that Same portal.

Compa:Owie! That hurt.

IF:is everyone ok?


Sonic:0_0 WAT!?

Noire:Seems we landed in another dimension.

Blanc:Who is the dimwit who sent us here! I promise I will kill them!

Me:It's me chill.

Noire:Oh come on Sam, I was busily running Lastation!

Vert:I was playing video games and all nighters

IF:We were in the middle of a mission.

Compa:Same here.

Blanc: I was writing a novel about a group of animals and Cpus coming together to have some truth or dares.


Cream:Wait... that sounds like us.

Compa:Blanc were here and you just broke the  fourth wall already.

Sonic And Anime All Stars:Truth Or Dare!Where stories live. Discover now