Chapter 5: Part 2: Overnight Video

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It was about 3:17 am when there was a loud crash near the back of the train station.

"What the hell was that!", Colby said.

While Moe and Sam screamed like a little baby and I just shot straight up. We all stood up while Colby and Moe got there cameras.

We started making our way to the back of the station when I noticed flashing lights behind us.

"Hey guys we might want to get out of here!"

"Why?", Moe asked.

"Cause I think this place has security and I think their after us!"

"Run!", Moe screamed out.

"To the fence follow me!"

I lead them to the hole in the fence because it would have taken them to long to climb across the gate.

"Turn off your lights guys, they can probably see us."

When we got back to the car we all got in the same spots as we did earlier.  As we drove off I realized that those were the police and that they were at the front of the building, so what could have made that noise?

"What in the world?"

"What Emma?", Sam asked.

"What could have made that noise cause I mean the cops were at the front, nowhere near the back."

"Just forget about it, we have those things happen to us everyday we go on an exploration.", Colby said.

"Yeah I know, but still. I'm starting to believe that, that place is haunted."

"Probably is, but let's just forget about it, we probably are never going back.", Sam added.

"If you think that, I know for sure you haven't known Moe for that long.", everyone laughed at my comment.

A little bit later on we were still driving.

"Do you guys just want to come to our place and spend the rest of the night. Plus you guys will get to meet the dogs?", Colby suggested.


"No I think we can drive the rest of the way home.", Moe said.

"No, please I want to meet the dogs?"

"Fine I can't say no to you, but I might just drive on home and leave you there and pick you up in the morning."


When we got there Sam and Colby got out first, while I took some of the camera gear out of my backpack, but I left my photography camera in there. Which I forgot I had in there earlier.

As Moe drove off Sam gave me a tour of the house and saved his and Colby's room for last. When I went down there hallway I turned around to see a person with pink and blue hair walking up the stairs.

"So who is this?", he said as he walked past me.

"Oh yeah this is Emma. Emma, Jake, Jake, Emma."

"Nice to meet you.", I said as he shook my hand.

"Same to you."

"So Sam I came up here to talk about video ideas, could we possibly go downstairs and talk?"

"Sure I guess, Emma can hang out with Colby for a while. If that's okay with you?"

"Sure I'll be fine."

Then while Sam and Jake were going downstairs, Colby came up the stairs and showed me his room. It had multi colored sticky notes on the walls. He also had a couch with Paris themed pillows and a black and gray bed. I then noticed he had a little desk so I guess he could edit his videos.

"So this is my room. So how do you like it?"

"I like it do you think that you could come to my house and do this to my room."

"Sure I guess, but it would take more than one person.", I laughed at that response.

"So do you want to sit around and watch some YouTube or movies?"

"How bout we watch some YouTube and you can introduce me to some of your videos."

"Sure I guess we can do that.", he said with a smile on his face.

He looked so cute when he smiles it made me have this feeling that I never had before in my life.

After that I laid down on my stomach on his bed, while he grabbed his laptop and laid down right beside of me.

After a couple of hours I had fallen asleep on his arm and he fell asleep on my head.

🌟 730 words 🌟
Thanks for reading sorry for the short chapter, but I didn't have a lot of time today to write, so enjoy. 💙
May 24, 2018

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