Chapter 8: Date

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As soon as I got in the car I turned on the radio and started singing out loud to "No Excuses", by Meghan Trainor. All Colby did was laugh at me and then joined right in.

It was about 30 minutes of driving before I asked where are we going.

"Remember that time I said that I wanted to do that again?"

"Yes, so does that mean we're going to dinner at Tender Greens. "

"Not exactly."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You'll see!"

After that I just gave up and let him drive. Then I got a text from Moe.

Moe: Where are you at and why haven't you texted me?😡

Me💖: I'm on a date! And sorry for not texting, I forgot.

Moe: Really!😡 And who said you could go on a date? Also who are you going out with?

Me💖: I said I could because I'm old enough. Plus I'm on a date with Colby and he will bring me home when we are done. So bye Gtg.

Moe: Fine just be careful😉

"So does Moe want me to bring you home after?"

"Yes? And were you reading over my shoulder?"

"Maybe, but I guess you will never know.", I laughed after he said that.

"So are we almost there?"

"Yeah just a few more miles."

We drove a good 4 miles before we turned into a random parking lot with a forest in front of it.

"Seriously where are we? In the middle of nowhere."

"Totally! Just follow me."

Then we got out of the car and walked into the woods hand in hand. There was a path that lead to a part in the road so we went right.

"Colby please tell me where we are going?"

"Fine we are following the path to a meadow which has a surprise for you in it."

"Okay I guess that makes things a little bit better."

Right then is when we walked up to the meadow. As I looked out I saw a heart made out of lights and in the middle it is set up like a picnic with two places set for each of us.

"Colby this is.... amazing!", I said as I gave him a tight hug. "Thank you for all of this! This is the best first date I have ever been to!"

"Wait you never been on a date?"

"No in Canada my mom wanted me to focus on grades so I could grow up and be a doctor.", I said as we walked over and sat down.

"So are you going to be a doctor, cause I mean I never met a doctor who does YouTube?"

"I mean I really don't want to. I mean I want to be a photographer, but my mom is forcing me to go to college."

"Oh yeah that reminds me.", he said as he reached into the bag behind him.

"Here I got you this.", he said as he handed me a brand new camera.

"OMG, Colby I can't believe this! I mean how did you know?"

"I texted Moe and asked him about some things that you would like so I found this at target and decided that you need a new camera. Cause I have seen some of your pictures and there amazing, they each tell a different story!"

"Colby.... I don't know what to say?!"

"You don't half to say anything, but try it out!"

"Okay!", then I took some pictures of Colby with this beautiful meadow as it is lit up.

"See your pictures show how you feel and they each tell a story."

After that I gave Colby a giant hug which made him fall backwards into the meadow. We layed there and cuddled as we watched the stars.

"Tonight has been amazing! Thank you!"

After a while I looked up at Colby and said, "I love you Cole Robert Brock, and nothing will ever change that." Then are lips connected sending shocks through my whole body.

"And I love you too Emma Faith."

Then we just layed there and fell asleep under the stars, dreaming about how our life would be different now.

🌟 701 words 🌟
Thank you for reading! Sorry for not posting for the past day or two. I have been having allergies. I need names for friends and I need a middle name for Emma. So please comment below some names.
May 28, 2018

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