Chapter 21: Abandoned Zoo with Sam

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One Week Later

It has been about a week since I forgave Colby. I mean we could get back together but I've been having a lot of fun with Sam. Like on Wednesday he took me to the Zoo and then we went out for Ice Cream. We have been on some adventures like we went and filmed a video at an abandoned water park.

Today me and Sam are going to an abandoned Zoo, close to the house. He said he has been there before and he even did a 3 am challenge there but he knows how much I hate those so we are totally not doing something like that.

Anyways today is Friday and I still made plans to hang out with Kat tomorrow so I have to be up around 8 tomorrow morning. It is already around 8 pm so I decided to change into a red hoodie, black joggers, with black Nike shoes and backpack. (Ignore suitcase and laptop.) Then I put my hair in a ponytail and grabbed my watch.

I decided to change so I will be comfortable cause who knows how long we will stay there

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I decided to change so I will be comfortable cause who knows how long we will stay there.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip
Me and Sam left the house around 9 so it would be dark by the time we got there. On the way I did my intro.

Me: "Hey what's up guys, it's Emma and today I'm with Sam!", I said as I pointed the camera at Sam.

Sam: " Heyo!"

Me: "Anyways guys we are going to explore an abandoned Zoo which is like 5 minutes away from our house."
After I said that I put the camera on the dash. "Okay guys I don't know if some of you guys knew this but, yes me and Colby did break up and I don't think we will be getting back together, but I mean if we ever did it would be later on." , right after I said that I saw in the corner of my eye, Sam start to tense up. "Well guys I got that out of the way so guys can finally stop tweeting me about it. So yeah, I will pull my camera out when we get there, so yeah.", as I put my hand in front of the camera and turned it off.

"So Sam I was wander about something? ", I said looking over towards him.

"Yeah what is it?"

I sat there for a while before saying, "Oh nothing.", which that made him give me a weirdo look.

Instead of 5 minutes it took us about 15 minutes cause we stopped at McDonalds and picked up food to eat on the way. When we got there the place was completely trashed. Plus we parked far away just in case cops showed up. When I got out of the car I grabbed my bag and camera, then started making my way into the Zoo. Sam slowly followed while doing his intro. We stayed there filming for a good 3 hours and it was close to midnight and I didn't want to oversleep tomorrow so around 12 we left.

When we got back to the house I immediately went upstairs and changed and jumped in Sams bed and fell asleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip

I woke up with Sam editing behind me and Jake sitting in his little gray chair in the corner of the room.

"Good morning guys!", I said which made both of them look up from there computer.

"Good morning! So what are you doing today?"

"Oh I'm just going to hang out with a new friend, why do you ask?"

"Oh well you never wake up this early, usually you sleep until like 10 or 11."

"Well isn't that true. Well I'm going to get ready, see you in a bit. ", I said as I went into the closet, grabbed a few clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After my shower I changed into a black top and black leather pants, leather jacket, and combat boots, and sunglasses. Then I curled my hair and put on my regular makeup.

Then I went downstairs and grabbed my keys and took off towards Kats house

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Then I went downstairs and grabbed my keys and took off towards Kats house.

On the way there I kept getting messages from Colby asking if he could talk and if I was free later, but I never answered him.

It took about 20 minutes to get to Kats house. And as soon as I went inside I was showered with two hugs.
⭐710 words ⭐
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Sorry for any mistakes. 

July 9, 2018

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