Chapter 31:Prank+Surprise

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It was about 1 hour later when I heard a knock on the door and it sounded like the cops, but right before I could get up,  the door quickly opened and all I could hear was people yelling at me.

Jake's POV

"So earlier today Sam, Casey, Devyn, and Corey left to go a date and Aaron left to go to the gym, so Emma was the only one home. So I have decided to pull a prank on her with Colby, Jason, and Kevin. ",  I said to the camera in the garage.

Then Colby, Jason, and Kevin all popped on to the screen and said their hi's and heys.

"So guys have you seen what I bought today?"

"No what bro?", Colby asked picking up one of the bags. "No dude! Emma is going to freak. "

"I know dude. "

"But she is going to know it's us, by our voices?"

"That's why I brought these two dudes. ",  I said with a giant smirk on my face. "So guys if you didn't see already I bought these four cop suits.. "
"Cop suits, dude these are like swatt team suits. ", Kevin said cutting me off.

"Well I want this video to scare her, and this I think is the only way. "

"Well this get changed!", says Jason.

"Yep!", then I put my hand in front of the camera leans and turned off the camera.

"Dude I just don't to scare her like that cause if she finds out I'm in it, she will literally kill me. "

"Awwwww it will be fine Colby, you can kind of stand in the back. "

Then we all changed and I turned back on the camera and showed everyone our outfits.

"Okay guys it's go time. I'm going to switch over to the one in the living room. "

When we got around to the front door we all just started banging on it while Jason started screaming, "OPEN UP, NOW!"

Then we waited like 2 seconds and barged in the house and towards the living room, where Emma was sitting up with her phone in her hand.

"GET ON THE GROUND NOW!", Kevin screamed.

"Okay, okay, I'm getting on the ground. "
Then they both continued to scream at her random things until I got her hand-cuffed and sat on her back.
"So who's winning the prank wars now?"


"Cause you have been, PRANKED! #TEAMJAKE!!"

Then we all took off our masks and Kevin grabbed the camera.

Emma's POV

When they rushed in and told me to get on the ground I was just starting to tear but then when they started rambling about things I noticed a lock of brown hair fall out from behind one of there masks, and I knew it was Colby, but I just continued to act.

As soon as he screamed it was a prank, I got lose of my hand-cuffs and chased Jake outside.

"What are you going to do now Jake?",  I said as I locked the gate behind me.

"Uh this?!"

Then he dove into the pool and Colby came up behind me and picked me up over his shoulder and jumped in the pool.

"Colby, I liked these clothes?"

"Oh babe, I will buy you some new ones, anytime. "

"Okay babe. ",  then I started splashing him with water, before someone jumped in and splashed us both.
When I popped my head up I saw Elton. I have never actually met the guy but I have watched almost all of his videos.

"Did I hear, POOL PARTY!"

"No uncle Elton ya didn't!", said Colby.

"What are you even doing here?", Jake asked.

"Well I'm here to see if Emma, Corey Sam, and Colby, wanted to go on a trip with me?"

"Where too?", I asked.


Then we all started screaming yes and I guess sometime between that Sam and Corey came in and heard the whole conversation so they started screaming yes too.

"Okay but we leave tomorrow, so get packing!"

Then me and Colby were out and so was Sam and Corey, as we ran up the stairs.
✴️690 words✴️
Thanks for reading going to try and post more this week or after they post another TFIL video.
November 12, 2018

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