Chapter 11: The Past

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Later on that day I think it was about 6, because a few of the roommates have tried to get me to come eat, but I'm to depressed to eat. I need Sam or Colby to come talk to me because I feel like their the only ones I can trust. As soon as I thought that I heard a knock on the door with a may I come in I knew it was Colby so I let out a tiny yes.

"What's wrong?", Colby asked as he walked over and gave me a hug. Then he sat us down on his bed.

"Colby I don't know what to do."

"You don't know what to do with what?"

"I don't know what to do with my life? I'm scared of growing up and not knowing what to do."

"It's going to be okay, because you have... us.", he said right before he cuddled even closer.

"Colby something happened while you were gone."

"Yeah I know Sam told me everything, about the robbery."

"No that's not all."

"Wait what else happened?"

"My cousin called and told me that my dad has cancer and my mom has depression, and she wants me to come home right away."

"So why are you still here and not on your way home?"

"Because I know if I go back she won't let me come back.", I said almost going into tears.

"Why won't she I mean from what Moe told me she is so nice?"

"Then he hasn't told you the whole story."

"Then go ahead you know I'm here for you."

"Okay, when I was 11 years old my grandparents passed away. My mom grieved for days and with days it turned into months. Anyways to get away with grieving she used to beat us, until my dad found out and they divorced. But a few years later they got back together and she doesn't want to lose anyone else ever again. Plus I don't want to be there if dad passes."

"Why? Wouldn't that be the only reason you go?"

"Because I'm afraid she will beat me again and not let me leave and come back to California. So I can be with you guys.", after this I just broke everything I had left just gave out as Colby pulled me even closer until our faces almost met.

"I won't let her keep you away from me and the others, I promise."

When Colby said that I felt more secure about going back, but I would want him to go with me. But there was the word me that stuck in my head after he said that and it was the word "me". When I thought about that word it brought me back to when him and Sam were arguing in Sam's room. But I didn't want to think about that right now. The only thing I wanted to think about was the way Colby made me feel when he was around me.

Then I guess we sat there all cuddled up for so long that I guess we fell asleep with his arms around me.


I woke up about an hour later and remembered I never brought my stuff up from downstairs, so when I remember this I turned over to find Colby on his phone with one arm around me. I guess he didn't know I was up because I was watching the videos he was watching and he didn't even so "hey" or even a "did you sleep good", like he usually does.

When I got tried of setting there I decided to move Colby's arm off of me which made him jump almost falling off the bed.

"Oh, your awake! So how did you sleep?"

"Pretty good, because I mean. Uh nevermind."

"So what do you want to do I mean it's almost 8, but it will be okay."

"Well I guess I'm moving into this house for a few days. So I brought all my stuff and its downstairs so I was going to go get it."

"No it's fine I will go get it. I mean your probably going to be staying in my room the whole time, so why not I get it."

"Fine but be careful my camera is in there.", I said as he walked out the door and down the stairs.

While he was downstairs getting my stuff I decided that I was going to make space for my stuff. So I went to his closet put all his stuff on the left side so I could put all my stuff on the right. Then I went and cleared out a few of his shelves for shoes.

It was about 10 minutes before he got everything up here and talked to someone downstairs, but I didn't care who. But if I did care I think it was Moe.

"So I see you already cleared you some space.", Colby said as he came and the room and rapped his arms around me.

"Yeah sorry, I guess I should have asked.", I said as I moved over to my suitcase and started unpacking.

When  I was done unpacking and put my suitcase away Colby asked, "So I was wandering do you want to do a video with me?"


"Tonight if possible?"

"I mean I guess I can. But, what kind of video first of all?"

"I want to do a prank on all the roommates including Moe."

"Yeah but what is this prank going to be?"

"Well I was think about doing a cheating prank."

"Now how would we do that I mean I think this prank would be done on me."

"Well I going to act like I cheated on you by walking in at like 1 in the morning. You are going to find out and act like you murdered me."

"Yeah but won't some of the roommates be asleep by 12, I mean ain't Elton doing a video tomorrow?"

"Yeah but it's a overnight, plus no one in this house is asleep by 1 am."

"Okay so let's get started it's nearly 9 right now so I'm going to go. I will be back at 1. I need you to get a knife up here and I have some fake blood in the bathroom, under the sink on my side. You also need to cover the knife with that blood and when I come back I'm going to put blood on my shirt and chest. Also I told Devyn about this so she is going to make a place on my chest that is going to look like I have been stabbed. "

"Okay I can do that."

"You sure because Devyn could help if you need it?"

"No it's fine, just go,  your already ruining the prank."

"Okay I'm going bye, love you.", he said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek and took off down the stairs.

🌟 1160 words 🌟
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Sorry for any misspelled words or phrases that don't make since. I was rushing on this whole chapter.
June 2, 2018

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