Chapter 29:Wedding Bells

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"Emma I got something to tell and ask you. "

That's when I started thinking oh crap don't tell me he cheated on me, no this can't be happening.

"Emma ever since I met you I have felt something that I usually don't feel with people. And for everybody that has hated on you, I want you to know that they don't matter anymore. So will you make me the happiest man in the world and become my wife?"

I just couldn't move after that, I was so in shock.

"So is that a yes?"*gives me a werid look*

"Oh.... Yes, yes, yes!!"

Then he puts the ring on my hand and spins me around into a hug and kiss.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I kind of got this on camera?"

Then I turned and found Devyn and Corey with a camera.

"OMG, Devyn you were in on this?"

"Yeah, been in on it the whole time. "

Then I ran over and gave her and Corey a big hug with a thank you.

"So when is the weeding?", Corey asked with an excited look on his face.

"Well if it's alright with Emma, I would like to have it this December, the day right before Christmas. "

"I would love to!", then I huged Colby.

After a while of just sitting around on the beach we all finally went back to the house. When we got there Colby went and filmed a video with Corey and Jake, which left just me, Devyn, Aaron and Sam in the house. A little bit after just sitting around in the living room Devyn went upstairs to do a video and of course Aaron went to go play Fortnight, which left me and Sam downstairs in the living room.

"So how did the date go?", he asked with a smirk on his face.

"It was good, and how is your life going?"

"It's going great, but I have to get something off my chest please?"

"Fine, go ahead. "

"The truth is that I titled the video like that as a prank and I caught your reaction all on tape, but I decided never to post it because you actually left, and the title to that video was true. I liked you and I still do, but I have a girlfriend now and I want you to meet her. "

"Wait, it was all for a prank?"

"Yeah, sorry. "

"Sam don't you realize I left the house cause of you, because something similar happened to me before. "

"Yeah and I'm sorry, can you please forgive me. "

"I.... Don... Sure. "

"Thanks, but now will you meet my girlfriend?"

"Yeah, when?"

"Tomorrow. "

"Sure. "

Then I got up and left the room and made my way to Colby's room. When I got in there I decided to go ahead and go to sleep, so that's what I did.

Next Day
I woke up to no sign of Colby anywhere, so I just guessed that he had already went and started getting ready for the wedding because the wedding would be in less than 2 months and we still had so much to do.

So I got up and changed into a striped crop top, with a high waisted skirt and high rise boots. Then I curled my hair and did my natural makeup.

Then I went downstairs and ended up right in the middle of Corey's dance video

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Then I went downstairs and ended up right in the middle of Corey's dance video.

"Oh My Gosh! I'm so sorry Corey?",I said as I  stepped back onto the step.

"It's fine, I just can't get that part right. "

"Well what is it, like maybe I can do it?", I said as he turns off the camera.


"Hey who said I couldn't do it!"

"Have you ever took dance classes?"

"Yeah, when I was younger, actually. "

"Fine. "

Then he did this turn,  step back, and did a kind of hand stand on one hand.

"Hold on, I'm going to go change into some leggings. "
Then I ran back upstairs and put on leggings and some vans.
"Okay I'm ready!"
Then I did the exact move he just did.


"Told you I could do it. "

"Well do you want to do a dance video with me?"

"Yeah, of course! I've been waiting for like months now!"

Then he turned on the camera and explained and showed me and the camera the dance. Then we both did it to the music.

"Whoa, you catch on fast!"

"Yeah, I know!", sounding kind of sassy.

"Well that's it for today guys see ya in the next one and please comment down below video ideas for me, so duces!", then he puts his hand over the camera and turns it off.

"Well thanks for letting me in your video. "

"Well, thanks for being in it. "

Then I went back up and changed  cause today I'm supposed to meet Sam's gf today. So I went and ate some lunch then went and played some Rocket League with Corey for most of the day.

✴️866 words✴️
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed and sorry I have been less active. It is because of school and I'm writing story's for Instagram.
October 24, 2018

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