Part 1: The day I met you

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Shannen's Pov

Its just another boring day what a bum. This is why i go crazy at all times i'm glad i still have friends, boyfriends? Hmmmm. How 'bout no? It seems like boys are all the same they'll work hard to get you then suddenly they'll leave you broken and shattered in pieces? No thanks, i'd rather be alone. *ring* a sound broke me from my trance i checked my phone and it was my bestfriend in highschool, Aila. "Hey bitch, wanna have a coffee?" she said on the other side of the phone.
"Hang on bitch *checks schedule*, yeah sure i'll be there in five minutes bye." I quickly jumped in into the shower completely excited about seeing my friend again, it was a long time since the last time i saw her, i think it was yesterday? I don't care. While i was walking to the coffee shop i bumped into a tall blonde guy with gorgeous blue eyes and he was HOT.
But i didn't jump in happiness or did something stupid i just simply said sorry and walked away, not making any eye contact. But then suddenly, i felt somebody held my wrist and then he spun me around so i can face him, i never felt like this before.. Why does my heart beats like there is someone chasing it? No, it can't be love doesn't exists right? "Hi, I-i'm really really sorry for earlier, u-umm i'm Luke, Luke Hemmings."
"I'm Shannen, Shannen Galamgam nice to meet you." We stayed just like that, staring at each other wandering why we met so i finally decided to spoke up. "I-i gotta go my friend is probably waiting for me at the coffee shop, bye Luke!" I said walking away while waving back at him. "Bye! wait.. OMG! Shannen! You forgot your hanky! Wait! Urgh. Damn it."

Luke's Pov

"Bye! wait.. OMG! Shannen! You forgot your hanky! Wait! Urgh. Damn it." I said trying to catch up to her but damn she was fast. While i was staring at her handkerchief, walking. I remembered her dark hair, the way it falls perfectly, those gorgeous brown eyes and how it stared at me like we've known each other forever. Okay, Luke stop it will you urghhhh. I was so lost in my thoughts that i haven't realized i already bumped into the freaking post. Ouch! Dammit! You stupid post dkajdsja! I was in pain, so much pain. So i decided to hangout for awhile in the coffee shop in front of me and then i saw her there, maybe waiting for her friend. She looks so perfect.


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