Part 16: This Night

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Shannen's Pov

I was sitting backstage when i suddenly got bored. A thought came into my mind that i should give away my VIP pass to one lucky directioner since i think they'll let me in anyway.
"Hey, i'll be right back." I told Aila and Angel then stood up.
"Where are you going?" Aila asked sitting up.
"I'm going to give one lucky fan my VIP pass since i think the guards will let me in anyway. I will give them the best night of their lives ,baby!" I held out a fist bump.
"Count me in!" Aila fistbumped my fist then stood up.
"Wait!" Angel shouted from behind.
We all walked outside the stadium and had our separate ways. I went to the bathroom to find a directioner, Aila went outside and Angel went to the General Admission. I went inside the bathroom and pretended to wash my hand. A fan stood beside me and washed her hand.
"Hi!" I said cheerfully.
"Excuse me, who are you?" She said raising her eyebrow.
"Nevermind." I closed the sink then walked outside.
"Hey!" Someone called my name from behind.
I spun around then a directioner jumped on me and hugged me.
"I can't breathe." I muttered.
"Oh sorry." She pulled away.
"What's your name?" I smiled at her.
"OMG, did you just- I'm Athiel." She held out her shaking hand.
"Why are you shaking? I'm just a normal person. Ohh and nice name!" I giggled then took her hand.
"Its just- I'm a Niall girl. I used to hate you but now, i really really like you as in, so much. You're just flawless. You quited your job as a model for us and to prove that the boys don't always date models. And instead you took a job at starbucks you're just so humble! I wanna be like you when i grow up!" She cheerfully said.
"Aww, that's so sweet here have this. You're coming with me." I said giving her my VIP pass.
"Holy shit! Are you serious!? Jwkahsjkahsjahajha" She said jumping up and down. Her blonde bob hair was everywhere her face. She was wearing a baseball tee just like mine and some ripped skinny jeans and a white sneaker.
"Now, come on. Show is starting." I pulled her hand and walked inside the stadium.
I got lost so we ended up coming out of the Gen Ad section.
"How the fuck can we get backstage!" I pointed at the stage.
"Come." She crept towards some fans. I followed but failed i ended up falling down the stairs, luckily some directioners caught me. So i didn't break any bones. Niall came out of the stage holding a mic, the crowd went crazy and i covered my ears. Everybody went quiet so i removed my hands on my ears and stood up. He must've noticed i was missing.
"Shannen! My love! Where are you!?" He shouted through the mic. The crowd was so quiet.
"I'm here!" I shouted. The people stared at me then i grabbed Seathiel's hand and ran down the stairs, jumping in every barricade.
"Ohh man, i feel like i'm in Olympics!" Seatheil shouted happily.
I stumbled in a barricade, luckily Louis was on the front seat, he was on disguise. He caught me and we both fell on the floor.
"Got ya." He smiled weakly.
"Urgh, i'm glad i'm wearing this fat guy costume." He said rubbing his stomach.
I stood up and walked away.
"Hey wait pull me up!" He shouted.
I giggled and then went back to him and pulled him up. Louis started to climb up the stage and then i lifted him up so that he can climb. I took 3 big steps back and then ran towards the stage, i jumped and did a back flip. I landed safely, i held out my hand to pull Seathiel and we went to the backstage. Aila was still missing, maybe she went to grab some candy or something. I introduced Seathiel to the boys and they took a pic. Seathiel turned to me and asked for a pic, she went to the front row already since the show is going to start soon. Aila was running towards us with a bag of candy and some glowsticks. She turned to Harry and gave him a kiss. They hugged each other and she turned to hug the other boys. I did the same and wished them luck. Lastly, i turned to Niall and we did our secret handshake, i gave him a hug and a kiss and ran to our seats in front. I was eating the bag of candy then the lights went off.
"Bollocks, i was eating candy!" I cursed.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Harry sang. They were singing clouds. The crowd was so loud i couldn't even hear what Aila was saying.
"I can't fucking hear you!" I shouted at her ear.
"I said, there is an after party after this!" She shouted.
"You know i don't like parties!" I shouted at her.
"Well, you gotta like this one! The boys threw this so you have to come!" She shouted then smiled.
"Fine!" I shouted and rolled my eyes.
After a few songs, it was finally Little Things. Little Things have always been my favorite of all time. Its just so amazing. I used the glow stick and waved it in the air.
It was already Niall's part and it was quite as heck. Aila elbowed my stomach.
"Look, he's staring at you." She whispered.
I looked at Niall and he was grinning ear to ear. I smiled and gave him a flying kiss, he made a kissy face and laughed. Usually, he makes the fans sing the last two words of his part but this time he didn't.
"I love you." He sang.
The song stopped and he stood up, he walked towards the end of the stage where we are.
"Come with me!" He shouted.
"What? Why?" I shouted confusingly.
"Just come!" He smiled.
The jumped into the barricade and took his hand. He pulled me up the stage and took me in the middle of it.
"I have a suprise for you! I brought your fave artist with me!" He said with excitement.
"Ohhh noooo, don't tell me you brought Ed Sheeran!?" I shouted.
"In fact, i did." He smirked.
I looked at him with wide eyes and screamed. I hugged him and he lifted me up. Ed Sheeran came from the backstage and the crowd went wild. I went up to him and cried some tears of joy. He pulled away and took his guitar and dedicated me a song.
"This song is called Tenerife Sea. Niall is dedicating this to you." He smiled and sang.
"You look so wonderful in your dress, i love your hair like that." He sang to me.
I sang along and Niall tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and he was offering me his hand. I took it and we danced slowly. Harry gave him a bouquet of flowers and he gave me it.
"Thanks." I said smelling the flowers. Ed Sheeran finished his song and he was gone. Later, the boys and Ed were holding a banner up high that says "Will you be my Girlfriend? again." I looked over at Niall and laughed.
He walked towards me and gave me a box of chocolate. He opened it and there was a note that says "Eat one if its a yes." I smirked at him and took three. I shove it all in my mouth.
"Are you kidding me? Yes!" I said with my mouth full. He laughed and made me finish eating the chocolate first before he hugged me tight.
"I love you. I mean it." He whispered in my ear. He kissed me and pulled away.
"You taste like chocolate." He smiled and kissed me again.
"Come on, you still have a show." I playfully pushed him away.
"I'll be back." He said with the Terminator voice.
I rolled my eyes and went backstage, i looked over at Aila and Angel and motioned them to come with me. They asked the guard to move the barricade and they followed me to backstage.
"So this is the suprise they've been talking about." Angel giggled.
"Congrats! You're finally official!" Aila hugged me.
"Yeahhhh." I smiled at them.
"Still coming to the party tonight?" Angel asked biting her lip nervously.
"Yeah, i guess." I smiled.
"Yeah! When was the last time you went to a party?" Aila asked while dancing.
"Last time i went to a party, i got drunk and i almost got raped but yeah, Niall saved my ass." I said reminiscing that day.
"Then we'll make a new memory in tonight's party and it will be a good one!" Angel screamed.
"Okay, okay. Now let's go back! This night is gonna be awesome!" I said pushing them out the backstage.
"Slow down your horses." Aila said.
"Calm yo tits yo." Angel said with a rapper voice.
I rolled my eyes at them and went outside.
"I hope they're right, i hope this night would be awesome. " I thought to myself.

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