Party 17: Party Pooper

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Shannen's Pov

The show was already finished and i was waiting inside the van, watching the fireworks display light up the night sky. I asked Aila to take me a pic with the fireworks and we went outside for a minute and took a dozen of pictures. I opened the door for Aila and went after her. Minutes later, they all went inside the van and we barely fit inside it. Clothes was flying everywhere, and they were all talking at the same time. I ignored them and looked outside the window, people were running towards the van.
"Ohh, look they're running over here." I said pointing outside the window.
"Ohh shit." Louis mumbled.
We started moving suddenly, i jerked backwards because of the sudden force caused by the sudden hit of the pedal. I sat back up and covered my face with my hand. I was rethinking my decision about going to the party. But then we were suddenly here.
I can here the music booming from the inside. I tugged Aila's shirt and pulled her closer.
"I'm not really sure with this." I whispered in her ear.
"Come on now, we're already here!" She said pulling me inside.
The bouncer immediately let us in when he saw One Direction. Niall mumbled something in his ear and we went in. A lot of sweaty people were dancing, and drinking and kissing. The sudden smell of beer and sweat hit my head, i scrunched my nose trying to avoid smelling the smell. Niall put his arm around me and led me to the bar to get some drinks.
"Can i get you anything, love?" He shouted.
"I'm having what you're having!" I shouted at him and ran a hand over my hair.
"Two cocktails please." He said to the bartender.
I looked over at Angel and she was dancing with Louis, Aila was sitting in the couch with Harry and Liam was calling someone on the phone, i'm assuming its Sofia. Niall handed me the cocktail and i drank it straight.
"Ohh yes." I said.
Angel pulled me in the dance floor and i pulled Niall with me. Electropop songs were on and people were jumping and i just jumped along. I looked over at Niall and laughed, he laughed as well. We danced for like an hour already and i got tired so i went over to the bar to order a drink. I ordered orange juice, i'm suprised they have orange juice. I was sipping in my glass when Ariana Grande sat beside me.
"Hey there." She said to me.
"Can i have a glass of wine please?" She said to the bartender.
"Helloo." I placed my glass down and politely smiled at her.
"I see, you're back with Niall." She smiled.
"Yeah, you know what they say! Love is sweeter in the second time 'round!" I grinned.
"From the moment i met Niall, i knew i got to have him. Then you came and ruined everything." She leaned in closer.
"Well, listen here babe. First, he's mine. Second, you're just a friend. And lastly, back off." I leaned in closer and smiled.
"Oh, i know you're the one who has his heart but i'll make sure he wakes up in my arms." She smirked.
"Stop quoting your song and fight me like a lady!" I shouted.
"Let's take this to the dance floor!" She pulled me in the dance floor.
She announced in the mic that we are having a dance battle. People made space for us two and a beyonce song blasted in the speakers. She danced first and then it was my turn. I danced through the music and killed it. She doesn't know i won every dance competition in our school back then. Everybody lifted me up and threw me in the air. I saw her walking to the bar with an angry look on her face and i sticked out my tongue at her. The last person to lift me up, put me down and went back to dancing. I saw Niall running towards me and i was about to hug him when he pulled me outside.
"Bloody hell!" I pushed his hand away.
"Why did you do that?" He said gritting his teeth.
"What? I dance-battled with Ariana to win you!" I half shouted.
"Well, you didn't win me over. I talked to her and she said you were rude and that she only wants to spend time with me as a friend and then you didn't allow it! Look, she's just a friend nothing more! You don't fucking own me!" He shouted. He ran his hands on his hair and paced back and forth.
"And you believed her!? Niall are you blind!? She fucking wants you! I fought with her because she likes you! I know what she wants to happen and i was preventing it! You're right i don't bloody own you. Have fun with your party, Niall James Horan." I shouted. I bit my lips trying to hide my tears and walked away.
"Baby please, i'm sorry. I didn't meant to say those things." He softly said. He grabbed my wrist and stopped me from walking. I turned around and smiled at him with teary eyes.
"You know, i used to think i set fire in you eyes. Then i realize that's just a reflection of the one you set in mine." I whispered. I pushed my hands away to escape from his grasp. I turned around, walked away and ignored his pleading.
I walked to a bus stop and i'm glad i brought my bag with me. An hour later, i arrived at his parent's house. Maura saw me and gave me a hug. She wiped my tears and softly smiled.
"You fought?" She asked.
"Yes." I smiled.
"Where's Amster?" I asked her while going upstairs.
"She's here." She said.
I took a few clothes, in my bag and changed. I walked downstairs as fast as i could Niall will be here soon. I took Amster and said goodbye to Maura. I was in the middle of walking when she called my name.
"Where are you staying?" She shouted.
"At Jamie's house! He's my friend! Bye Maura! Tell Bobby i said bye. Good Night!" I shouted at her and waved goodbye. I walked to a bus stop and waited for the bus going to Bracklyn. I don't know exactly where his house is, i forgot but i'll just wait at somewhere and call him. I went inside the bus and sat on the front seat, i placed Amster in my lap and pet her. I took my phone and called Jamie.
"Heyy." He said through the other line with a sleepy voice.
"Heyy, i was wondering if i could stay in there? For the night?" I said.
"You fought huh?" He asked.
"Yeahh. As always." I chuckled.
"You could stay, if you are willing to sleep beside my sister." He laughed.
"Of course i am! Remember when i always stay there? Because we always fight?" I said.
"Yeahh, those were the days man. See you at McDonald's." I heared shuffling from the other line and he hanged up. I looked at Amster and she was looking at me i smiled and she hugged me. She licked the tears off my face and i laughed. Minutes later, we finally arrived at Bracklyn. I walked to the McDonald's and waited for him.

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