A Poem I wrote

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Paper Walls

You start sprinting through life,

running freely without a fear in the world

Each time we fall and scrape your knee we run through a paper wall

sure, a paper cut can hurt you

you might end with a few scratches but you keep going nonetheless

And you continue to sprint through life

gradually the paper turns to cardboard.

and it's harder to get through the wall to continue the life you are living

yet still doable and you live on

at some point in your life

You could be any age

the cardboard turns to bricks

And you crash full force and you feel the pain in every part of you

You can't go over and you can go under, and the wall goes on forever in every direction

The wall looms ahead of you, the only way to go is through.

You start to think about things as you chip at that brick wall with your fingers and nails,

Calluses covering your hands and they no longer bleed because you know what.

You're used to it

Those paper walls were really nothing compared to this

No amount of practice could have prepared you for that moment

So you weren't ready

but would you ever have been?

The open wounds turn to invisible scars as you keep marching on

walking you hold your hands out in front of you

Weary of more brick walls just waiting to shatter you

it took a while to glue yourself back together

These brick walls have become a blinding normality, just another thing to add to your to-do list.

You try to forget the pain, as you chip away at those brick walls. Shoving it far back into the deep depths of your mind you continue as if your happy. But your not.

Soon you make it to a fork in the road

One leads to paper walls while the other leads to more brick

You choose the brick wall because a paper wall is clearly too good to be true

for your blood wasn't the only thing you lost the day of the first brick wall.

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