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<<Niall's POV>>

I was so excited. I mean, at first, I was nervous to approach him, since he seemed rather reserved and I hope I didn't get too into his personal boundary bubble. But, he seemed to react a lot better than what I had thought that he would have reacted. He told me that we could talk about getting some art advice in art class. How coincidental, huh? But I had like, three classes before that. Also, how did I not know that he was in my art class also? He was there and I didn't even know!

I waited patiently though. Kinda. I mean, the classes were so boring, but eventually though, I got to art period. I put my things in my locker and walked over to the center of the room, near the teacher's desk, where I worked at. I walked over to my spot on the table, and I scanned the room. Not many people had come in yet. Then, I watched, I saw Zayn walk in and take his spot at a table on the other side of the room, right by the door where we walk in. That's where he sits!

I walked over to him.

"Hey, Zayn!" I greeted as I sat down next to him. "Nobody sits here, do they?" I asked.

"Huh?" He asked, looking up from his phone, which he immediately tucked in his pocket of his black skinny jeans. "Oh, naw, nobody sits there." He said. The tardy bell rang and the art teacher walked in.

"Okay guys!" Ms. Metro called. She had a Toledian accent. "We're going to work for this month on impressionism, please look at this powerpoint that I made, I know you guys all want to get through it, but there's a few things I want to teach you before I let you goofballs loose!" She said. She turned off the lights and on a powerpoint. It was about different impressionist artists, like Claude Monet, Edgar Degas and Pierre-Auguste Renoir, some tips on brush strokes and colors. Zayn watched along with his eyes half closed.

"Hey, that's pretty interesting!" I pointed out as there was a picture of water lilies.

"Yep, is was a Monet." He whispered back, with a nod. "It's what he's most known for." Zayn replied.

"It's so cool!" I whispered. Impressionism was pretty interesting, but I wanted to know how to do those paintings of people that were like, so real it looked like a photo. "I'd like to do those portraits of stuff that looks like actual photos." I whispered.

"That's called photorealism." Zayn whispered back. "Or hyperrealism." He whispered.

"There was this one kid when I was in ninth grade, a few years ago, and he had this drawing of a parrot that I swear to god, looks like a photo exactly!" I whisper-exclaimed. Zayn's eyebrows rose and he nodded peculiarly.

"It takes practice and patience and attention to details." He whispered back.

"I'd love it if I could do that." I whispered as the presentation was coming to an end.

"Just believe in yourself, Niall." Zayn advised. The teacher came around, with big canvases that she was passing out to all of us.

"Okay, put your name, period and date on the back of these!" You can go and get your supplies, north side get paint first, south side gets smocks first then switch!" She instructed. We were on the north side and we got a little plastic palette. I thought about what I would paint.

"Hey Zayn, what are you gonna paint for your project?" I asked. I wondered what he would do.

"Eh, just a little bird, I suppose." He said.

"Oh, okay, um, I suppose I'll do a bird too." I copied.

"You know Niall, you don't have to do the same as me, you gotta be original." Zayn said.

You're Perfect To Me *A Ziall AU*Where stories live. Discover now