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The Second Task of the Triwizard tournament was today!
I knew I wouldn't be able to help Harry as there would be too many people watching.
He should do fine on his own....

It didn't start until later this afternoon, so I had time to laze about in bed, I would go and bug Draco but he has detention with Professor McGonagall...typical!

I suppose I could see how Harry is doing?

I got up and dressed, and decided to find Harry, or at least someone...

I quietly left the common room, and slipped into the hallway.

Wait....why am I sneaking around? It's a weekend!

-Mini Time Skip brought to you by Lucius Malfoy who finally heard about it! (VioletHewitt)-

I soon found Harry and Neville by the pond near the Herbology classrooms.
They seemed to be searching for something.

"Hey guys!" I cheered as I neared them. Harry looked up and smiled, where as Neville looked like he was about to piss himself...

"Geez Longbottom I'm not gonna hurt you" I chuckled, sitting down next to Harry.

"Whatcha looking for?" I peered into the murky pond, I would not like to put my hand into that!
"Gilly weed, it's supposed to make you breath underwater or something..." Harry trailed off as he reached further into the water.

"Oh....sounds...interesting" he could just use an air bubble...
"Oh it is interesting, Gillweed...." I kinda blocked out what Neville was saying, it's not that I don't like him...he's a good kid, but Herbology to me is boring.

I checked the clock, if I leave now I could catch Draco coming out of his detention...

"Well good luck Harry," I said cutting Neville off, "I'll be cheering you on!" I swiftly left and headed to McGonagall's classroom.

Just as I got there, Draco was walking out with Crabbe and Goyle. Huh I guess they had detention too.

"I thought you'd still be in bed!" He chuckled, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
I smiled into his shoulder, "yeah well, your worth getting out of bed for".

(I know this is short, but I'm nearing the end of this year so I want to stretch it out a bit, but I should have a couple more chapters out tomorrow!)

I'm A Riddle {Draco x reader} (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now