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All this pain that I feel inside it just never goes away and honestly idk if I'll ever be genuinely happy again like it's not just over the breakup and all this drama but I've just never really felt complete like I belonged kinda unfulfilled and out of place and unwanted and to make matters worse people would tell me that that was what I was and I believed it of course and I think there's something wrong with me like other people my age are always so happy and don't even know of what half of my struggles even are they don't cut they're not depressed they don't have to worry about not smiling enough so someone doesn't start staring at them they don't have to always be scared of every guy that ever looks or touches them bc they've never been raped hell they've never even had sex or had their first kiss they've never had to worry about coming home to their parents fighting or not even being their at all or taking care of their siblings bc no one else cares they don't have to worry about anything at all and it's fucking unfair bc I literally have to fight with blood and tears to just make it to the next day bc I'm afraid that one day I'm going to take my own life and these other people believe that they're already guaranteed a tomorrow so why worry

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