Okay so you know how Van Gogh ate yellow paint because yellow is a bright color and he thought eating it would make him happy, and everyone thought he was crazy for eating something so poisonous and toxic. But if you look at it through less judgmental eyes, you see that he's just like everyone else. Who really drinks alcohol anymore for the taste? Everyone wants to get drunk and to forget. No one smokes weed because they like the taste. They smoke it because it makes them happier. And why did you think that girl stays with her cheating boyfriend? Because when he's not cheating on her, he makes her happy even though it's toxic and poisonous. The reality of it is that we're all just desperately searching for a way to be happy. Even if it isn't good for us. Like everything we do is our yellow paint.
cool kids never sleep
Short Storya compilation of all my last little thoughts when I can't sleep at night...