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"Frank, have a nice day at school and please don't get into any more trouble. You really can't afford it." His mother said, putting his lunch into his backpack.

"I promise I won't." Frank said. Though realistically he had no fucking idea if he would get into more trouble. But if it put less stress on his mother then he would gladly half-lie to her.

Linda smiled and kissed Frank's cheek like she always did before school.

"I love you, okay?" She said holding her son close to her chest.

Frank playfully rolled his eyes feeling squished. He knew that his mother was always going to be overprotective after what happened. She always worried and wanted to know where Frank was and if he was okay. He always was, but leave it to Linda to stress herself out over literally nothing.

"Love you, mama." Frank said when his mother finally released him.

"Love you more." She replied like she always did. "I'll see you when you get back."

Linda held the door open for Frank and remained him to pick up his bag that he was about to forget.


Gerard was there early. He stood against the building with a lit cigarette between his lips and his cell phone in his hand making him look more natural than he would just standing there waiting.

A few minutes passed, 43 to be exact, and Gerard was beginning to worry. He didn't make it too obvious though he remained patient and rational. He looked at his surroundings really wishing Frank didn't come to this particular store. It was trashy and grimy and everyone there was in their mid forties, overweight , greasy and balding. People like Frank didn't belong around people like that. He wasn't safe here, Gerard thought, considering his size and how young and innocent he looked compared to the others.

From around the corner Gerard caught a glimpse of a short boy in a baggy Black Flag hoodie that had a noticeable bleach stain on the back of it. Frank.

Gerard lit his third cigarette nad waited with a fast beating heart for Frank to exit the store. The one thing Gerard wad been waiting for for felt like his entire life was about to happen he had everything set up. He had a chloroform soaked rag and his car parked close. He would quickly take an unconscious Frank to his vehicle and drive home. He'd have to keep him there for a while before the could figure out the rest.

Frank pushed open the glass door causing a ring from the bell. He fulled out a cigarette from his pack and dug around in his pockets for a lighter. He groaned out loud.

He had left ot at home. He gnawed on his lip and looked around. He didn't see anyone who he'd be comfortable enough to talk to everyone was much too old, large and scary. Especially the trucker who was there for almost every time Frank was. He would stare Frank down and smirk at him. Frank would always just smile back because it seemed like the polite thing to do, but he always made him uncomfortable.

After a few long seconds of freaking out about his lack of lighters he spotted a person he had never seen before. They were young looking unlike everyone else there and had longish black hair. Frank smiled a but to himself because the guy was smoking so he had to have a lighter and he was pretty cute so Frank had no problem talking to him.

"H-Hey." Frank said standing in front of the guy.

He looked down at Frank ans smiled. Little did Frank know Gerard was doing everything in his power to keep cool because Frank was one-thousand times more perfect up close.

"Hey." He replied.

Frank softy smiled back at him because the guy was really really cute when he was looking at him up close.

"I um, left my lighter at home and I- um can I borrow yours?. . . please?" Frank said looking down at his scuffed converses. He couldn't keep eye contact with this guy for some reason.

"Aren't you a lil' too young to be smoking?" Gerard teased.

Frank gasped and looked up at the mam wide-eyed. "Oh, I um- guess? I'm sorry."

"No worries, I started when I was 13." Gerard chuckled. He had heard Frank's voice shortly, maybe once or twice but never like this, all nervous and quivering. He was adorable.

"So can you. . ."

"Yeah, sure kid."

Gerard pulled put his lighter that he noticed hid the Black Flag logo scraped into it. Frank noticed and smiled as he held up his cigarette.

"I like Black Flag." He said softy letting Gerard light it.

"Oh, yeah? Me too, kid."

Frank smiled again and brought his cigarette up to his lips. Gerard admired the way Frank smoked. It was almost as beautiful as him.

"Stop staring." Frank giggled.

"Sorry. It's hard when you're so pretty." Gerard replied not breaking eye contact. His eyes were so big and green. He gripped the rag in his pocket while he spoke.

"Oh." Frank blushed. He bad only been called that by one person. His boyfriend. They were on and off. Kind of off right now. Frank knew it wouldn't work out in the end, he was too messed up for anyone to handle.

"You seem surprised."

"Oh, no. Well yeah I guess. Thank you."

"No problem, Frank."

This guy was so nice. The staring was kind of creeping him out but other than that he seemed to care about him for no reason. He smiled a bit at the man, inhaling from his cigarette before the man's words sunk in.

"H-How did you know my name?" Frank said looking up at Gerard, suddenly fearful.

Gerard just smirked.

"I-I gotta go actually." Frank said turning to sprint. His stomach was turning, he felt sick.

"Shit." Gerard muttered under his breath.

He grabbed Frank by the arm causing the smaller boy to stumble backwards until he landed against Gerards chest. Gerard got the rag from his pocket and placed it over Frank's face before he caught someone's attention. Frank's limbs loss force as he went limp and his eyes fluttered back into his skull.

Gerard thought he looked beautiful like that. Unconscious and not able to defend himself.

Gerard lifted the small boy over his shoulder and walked to his truck. He placed Frank's limp body into the back seat, laying across. He even had a pillow placed for his head so that his neck wouldn't get sore. Gerard went to place a soft kiss on Franks strawberry colored lips but decided against it. He wanted the fist time Frank kissed him to be because Frank wanted to kiss him. Gerard settled for a kiss on the cheek, the same cheek Frank's mother kissed before she watched him walk out the door.

He had his boy.

a/n i love this :))

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