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No wonder why it was so hot in there. I was in a basement and apparently the air conditioning didn't work the best down there.

I reach the door that I'm suspecting leads to the upstairs. I'm weary of opening it because I'm not too sure of who's here. He could have several people over.

I slowly open the door and flinch when it
creaks. "Shit." I mutter to myself.

I peak my head out to see a clear hallway. I have absolutely no clue where I am but it seems like no one else is here.

The hallway is quiet and my gentle footsteps echo without me even trying. I walk as slow as possible, looking for a door out of here.

I reach a big foyer and see a grand front door. I freeze when I hear deep voices from behind me.

I look quickly for a place to hide and I thankfully find a small closet. I slip inside as quickly and quietly as possible.

The guys step into the foyer and I hold my breath as I make an effort to listen in on their conversation.

"He's still down with the girl." One says. "You think this Dolan guy will show up?" The other ask. "For sure." The other one chuckles before they leave.

I'm too scared to get out. I don't want to move. There could be others near by.


Grayson whips into the driveway with a purpose. If I wasn't convinced this was drakes place I am now. There's three sleek black cars parked in front.

"How do you think he managed to get this place?" Grayson ask as I fling my seatbelt off my torso. "Who cares." I say as I jump out quickly. I need to get to her as soon as possible.

My gun is clutched between my hands as I approach the house and Grayson's behind me. "Behind the car." He says quickly. I'm a little confused at first until I see three men stood on the long porch.

We duck behind one of the cars and I don't wait for his permission to poke my gun out and shoot one of the guys in the head.

Grayson's wide eyed as I duck back down. "Ok I wasn't aware we were doing it like that." Grayson breathes heavily.

Grayson pokes his head out this time and hits another. There's one guy left and he begins to shoot at the car.

I shake my head at the stupid guy's actions and point my gun at the center of his forehead. Sure enough he drops with just the squeeze of the trigger.

I'm quick to make my way towards the house with my head on a swivel. Who knows who else could be here.

Fortunately the front door is unlocked. I step in slowly and look back towards Grayson to make sure he's right behind me.

"What the fuck?!" We hear a shout from a room right off the foyer. The guy charges at me quickly and extends his fist to punch me in the face but I catch his wrist and punch him with my free hand. He doesn't drop but there's a large stream of blood that spews out of his nose.

This time I hit him with the butt of my gun and he sees stars as he falls to the ground.

"Ethan." Grayson says quickly, breaking me from whatever trance I was in.

There stands four other guys, unarmed. I chuckle at their stupidity or drakes. Why wouldn't he have his men armed?

Grayson lifts his gun where as I put mine away. "Where is she?" I ask quickly as the guys stand straight.

"Where the fuck is she?!" I ask, screaming at the top of my lungs. The guys just laugh. "The boss will bring her out when he's ready." One smirks.

"God damn it." I say loudly as I lunge at one. I grab him by the collar and slam him against the wall and punch him not once, not twice, but three times.

There's commotion behind me and I know Grayson's jumped in. Another guy lunges at me as I drop his friend and I duck and give him a hard punch in the gut. He groans as two other guys fall due to Grayson.

It's just this guy left. I reach for my gun and I place it to his head. "Tell me where the fuck she's at." I spit. There's blood making it's way into my mouth due to a split lip from one of the guys getting a punch in.

"She's in the basement. She's locked in a room." He says quickly.

I don't get to ask another question because I hear loud clapping coming from the hallway. My head snaps towards the noise.

"Well done. I'm impressed." Drake grins. "What did you expect?" I ask pointing the gun towards drake.

"Don't even try. I'll unload this way before you do." He spits as he raises a gun towards me. My breathing quickens.

"Where is she?" I ask for the thousandth time since I've been here. "You see, I'm not quite sure." He chuckles dryly.

He reaches to the back of his head and his hand comes back bloody. "This is from her. She managed to escape. She's a very manipulative little slut if you ask me." He rambles.

The way he speaks of her causes my blood to boil. "Don't you dare talk about her like that." I say, still holding my gun firmly.

My eyes leave his for a second and something from the small closet catches my attention. It's cracked open slightly and I'd recognize those small shoulders anywhere. Kendal.

Her eyes are filled with fear but I flash her a look to tell her to stay. I don't need her coming out and getting even more hurt than what she already is.

"Ah I see." Drake smiles. "Kendal. Why don't you come out sweetheart?" Drake calls out for all of us to hear.

Word count 1010

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