Chapter Sixteen

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Small note before you start (F/H/S) means favourite hairstyle, you'll need that for later. Also a large and very important authors note at the end please read!

~~Your P.O.V~~

You head down the hall to the medical wing you make sure to look through every possible glass panel to find where your brother is being kept. As you turn a corner you see a small group huddled over a table, laying on the table is Clint.

You rush over through the door only to see Nat turning towards another lady with almond eyes and straight black hair that is pulled up into a rather tight bun, yet some of the more stubborn hairs seem to have come loose to frame her face.

Your attention is pulled back to Clint who is laying under some sort of machine that seems to be scanning his side, yet at the same time is repairing the wound. You open the door, rather abruptly, and race to Clint's side before turning to Natasha.

"What the hell happened to him?" You exclaim as worry fills your mind, this almost causing you to start hyperventilating, almost.

"He got hit," She replies, you're about to fire another question but she continues before you can. "He's going to be fine (Y/N), I swear. If he wasn't I'd be right there next to you while you prepared to attack." She assures you, this manages to bring a small smile to your face, your worry slowly depleting.

"You sure?" You ask still slightly paranoid for your brother.

"(Y/N), I'm absolutely fine, I'm going to live forever. I'm gonna be made of plastic." Clint speaks up from behind you, scaring you half to death in the process. This causing a small laugh from Natasha and the other women in the room.

"You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton. Your girlfriend here won't even be able to tell the difference." The women states with a smile. she then turns to you. "Helen Cho, nice to meet you." She introduces herself, while giving you a hand shake.

"(Y/N) (L/N)," You respond with a smile. "Thanks for fixing up my brother, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have to deal, you know he takes up three quarters of my time." You tell her sarcastically, both Helen and Nat laugh at your remark while Clint lets out an irritated sigh.

"I do not," He attempts to defend himself. "Maybe half your time, but no more than that." At this both you and Natasha raise your eyebrows, in a 'really?'  sort of way. Knowing he doesn't stand a chance he turns to Cho.

"You going to be at Stark's party tonight? I mean the least I can do is invite you after you patched me up, literally." Clint offers. You glance at Nat, watching for some reaction from her, after all it is her boyfriend inviting another women to a party right before her eyes. She catches your gaze while leaning to your ear.

"No, I'm not worried. Clint doesn't want the death of an innocent women on his hands." She whispers with a laugh.


You were all dressed up for Stark's party, a simple (F/C) cocktail dress, that compliments your figure, along your favourite black heels, because black goes with almost everything. You had decided to go with (F/H/S), when it was finished your hair looked beyond beautiful. Your makeup was subtle yet just the right amount of bold when matched with your outfit.

Although at the moment you were standing off to the side of the party, overwhelmed by the amount of people currently populating the room. When you'd been told about the party, Tony had told you to 'dress nice, lots of big names coming out for this.' At the time you hadn't thought much of just how many 'lots' would be considered. Then the people started arriving... it seemed like the vehicles never stopped.

A Marvellous Coincidence// A Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now