t w e n t y e i g h t

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Ivar was dreaming when suddenly a bucket full of cold water was spilt on his head. He was wide awake, sitting in shock, soaking wet. He blinked a few times to see who had the nerve to wake him up like that.

Above him was standing a huge Bjorn's frame with one raised eyebrow. Empty bucket in his hand. "You better hurry up," he said.

"Why should I? And where to?!"

"Was Eira here?" Ivar looked at him with a deadly look in his eyes.

"You're the one who should know that," Ivar spat out.

Bjorn didn't clearly understand the confused expression on his face. He put the bucket upside down on the ground so he could use it as a chair and sit on it. Now when they were at the same height it was more comfortable to have a proper conversation.

"What is wrong with you?" Bjorn asked clearly not understanding the situation.

"What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about.."

"Of course not. You just have to take everything you want, right? Because you were the firstborn son you think you have the privilege to have everything. You're wrong there, brother. You didn't have the right to take her," Ivar's eyes were crazy mad but also sad and slightly watering.

"Are you talking about Eira?"

"Who else would I be talking about? Don't play stupid I know what you did," Ivar's jaw was clenched, steam could be blowing out his ears from his anger.

"I don't know what you think you know but Eira is hurting, she told me."

"Since when you two talk? Since you sleep together?" Ivar spat out, his stomach turning upside down by that thought.

"What? Is that what you think?" Bjorn started laughing sarcastically. Which made Ivar even angrier and without thinking he punched Bjorn in the face.

Bjorn sat still, turning his head to the side spitting the blood.

"Look, Ivar,-" Ivar didn't let him finish.

"No, I don't want to hear anything!"

Bjorn grabbed Ivar by his neck so he couldn't turn around.

"I don't care. Now you're going to listen to what I have to say."

Ivar had still a little bit of alcohol left in his system otherwise he wouldn't let his brother even lay a hand on him. He growled, rolled his eyes but listened.

"I assume you saw us talking. And that was it. We just talked. She was at the bad place and I was listening," Bjorn didn't want to tell Ivar about the night at the lake because he promised her he wouldn't.

"You done?" It was rhetorical and quite sarcastic question Ivar didn't expect the answer to. "Why was she at your hut then? I saw you two together. She was in her nightgown!"

By now Bjorn wasn't holding Ivar anymore, letting him talk. He bit his lip thinking through if he should break his promise to Eira.

"I can't tell you."

"Yes, it is better that way. I don't need to hear what you two were doing," Ivar turned around and spat on the floor.

Bjorn rolled his eyes, thinking quickly if he should tell him the truth. Ivar needed to know.

"She wanted to die!" Bjorn couldn't bear it anymore.

"What?" Ivar turned his head in a split of a second.

"That night she was drowning in the lake. I saw her and tried to save her. On our way back she fell down and hurt herself so I took her to my hut where I cleaned her wounds and we spent the whole night talking. In the morning she left and I'm guessing that's what you saw..," Bjorn looked at his brother who was unable to speak. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Where is she now?"

"She went to see you. Oh, she was mad at you. I haven't seen her since."

Ivar didn't bother talking more, he started to furiously crawl away. He headed to Eira's hut. When he pushed the door open, the hut was empty. Ivar's heart skipped a beat from panic.

He turned around to see Bjorn behind him. "Where could she go?"

"Let's look around, she can't be far."

The brothers split. Bjorn went towards the woods on the opposite side of Kattegat while Ivar crawled towards the lake and that area of Kattegat. Ivar crawled as fast as possible thinking of Eira.

From behind a hut, he saw her. She was standing on the pier, waiting for a boat to get her away. "Eira!" He couldn't help but yell. He began to move towards her.

Eira didn't hear him, her eyes watching the boat moving towards her. Ivar was almost there and so was the boat. "Wait!" He screamed at the moment she gave her things to the man who was supposed to transport her. Eira turned around, her eyes landing on a young man in front of her.

Eira crossed her hands on her chest. "There's nothing left to say," she wanted to turn around.

"There is!"

Eira raised her eyebrow waiting for Ivar to say what he wanted.

"I, I,-" he didn't know how to continue.

Eira shook her head and turned around ready to step on the boat.

"You can't leave me! I, I love you!"

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