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((Sooo much fluff, maybe boring, but hey... cuteness overload))





Why do I feel so heavy?


My eyes are closed. Shit, did I fell asleep?


Then what is this weight on me?


I opened my eyes and almost scared to death.


Kittinan's face was right in front of mine. He was sleeping though... Or at least his eyes were closed. I was laying on the hospital bed. I have absolutely no idea how I got here. But what I know for sure, is that he was hugging me tightly. Clinging onto me.


I looked at my watch. It has been 7 hours since I was let to come to this room. It is possible that I have fallen asleep, but that wouldn't have happened on the bed. I was nowhere near the bed at any times. I was sitting on an armchair that was on the other side of the room.


Did he wake up when I was sleeping? Did he manage to move me here? No, he's so fragile that that would be impossible.


I tried to peel his hand off of me, but as I touched his arm, it clung on to me more tightly. He let out a disapproving whine.


"Are you awake?" I asked silently.


I didn't expect for him to answer me, and he didn't. But, he left out a whine that would be considered as 'yes'. His face pressed to my neck and his breath was brushing my collar.


I know he is just a stranger for me. Just some weirdo I found in the woods. But I can't escape the feeling that he isn't dangerous. It might have something to do with the fact that he is super-duper cute!




His head jerked up and he let go of me. He rolled away and sat against the wall behind the bed.


"Can you understand me?"


He didn't answer. He just stared at me. Stared like he found a shortcut to my soul. His eyes pierced.


"I'll take that as a yes... How are you feeling?"


Do I actually think that he would answer? Maybe... If what Pha said is true, that he has lived on his own in the woods for about 10 years, starting when he was around 9 or so, maybe a little younger, he would have learned this language. But if he lived in the wilderness on his own for so long, at that age... Maybe he forgot...


"Look, I mean absolutely no harm to you, you know that, right?" I looked at him like waiting for an answer.


No movement.


"Can you speak?"

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