My Kit

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It has been a week since Kit's waking up.


Currently, I am sitting next to him on his hospital bed. He is sleeping peacefully.


I'm caressing his hair, because he seems to like that.


Or at least he is purring under my touch.


Have I ever told you how cute he is when he's sleeping?


Oh I have? Well then...


The door to his room opened. I, by reflex, put my finger in front of my lips to shush whoever came in.


The one coming in was Pha.


"Oh, sorry. I just came to tell you that he is able to leave."


"You mean... he can come home?"


"Yes. I see why not. He's healthy and very eager to come with you, so we decided to let him go." He said smiling.


"That is so great! When can I take him?"


He shrugged. "Now, if you want. I'll just give you couple of his medicines and prescriptions to them, and then you're good to go."


I nodded happily and looked at this beautiful kitten beside me. "We'll go home..."



"Kit... Kit wake up..." I shook him a little so he would wake up and we could go. "Kit..."


'5 minutes'


I chuckled. "No... We can go home now. You need to wake up."


'Home?' He questioned and started to sift in his place, slowly getting up.


I nodded and caressed his cheek with my knuckles. "We will go home now."


Suddenly, all the tiredness in him disappeared. His eyes opened fully, and he jumped on me.


I almost fell from the bed by the sudden act but remained us both on the bed. "Chill, Kit." I laughed.


'Home...' He said with a sobbed voice.





"Take this twice a day, in the morning and just before you go to sleep. And this with the morning dose. This is just vitamin, so take it once a day, doesn't really matter when." Pha instructed as he gave Kit the medicine. He could've easily given them straightly to me, because when the package landed on Kit's palm, he shoved it into my pocket.

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