But you did

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 Out of everyone's request, I went back to school.


I had to do some extra work because I was away for so long. It wasn't even that long, but for the teachers, it reportedly was a whole new era.


Because of these works, I couldn't visit the hospital.


Why you ask? Because the extra work I had to do, was to do at home. I couldn't do it in school because there's coming new subjects all the time. To balance everything, I had to do the extras at home.


But now, I don't have anything anymore.


It has been a week, the whole school week. From Saturday to Friday. And he's still in a coma.


Or at least that is how much I know.


The doctors said that they'll inform me if he wakes up, but can I really trust them? I know it's their job, but they are just people. And people are forgetting.


One thing I realized; do not ever tell anything to Beam, nor Forth. I told them that I'll visit Kit in the hospital today, and they almost with violence insisted to accompany me.


And because Kit isn't even conscious, I guess it's okay for them to come too. If he was awake, he would probably seclude himself from us, from me.


So, they came with me.


The hospital was two hour drive away from our dorms, so we went just by one car. And that was my car.


"You haven't told us yet." Beam opened the conversation after we had driven about an hour.


"Told you what exactly?"


"What is your relationship with this Kittinan." Beam huffed and put his phone down and peeked his head from the backseat. Also Forth turned his face to me. He was sitting next to me, because I trust him more if I need directions.


"I have no idea what you are talking about." I said and concentrated on the road.


"Yes, you know! You said that you 'felt something'. What does that mean exactly? Was it just a twitch in your pants or what was it?"


"I... I don't really know..."


"Describe your feelings somehow." Forth said with a sweet tone that I have never heard him use for anyone else but Beam.


"I don't know what to say. I'm confusing you if I start to explain."


"Try us." They said in unison.


"I... well... he's cute...?"

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