Sana |You are my Sunshine|

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Heavily inspired by the song


It was a rainy night. You quietly sighed, looking over at the sign.

Han River

The place reminded you of the time that you met her.

You were out alone, just enjoying the cool breeze hitting your face when suddenly someone had crashed into you. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" The girl squeaked, picking up her stuff. "It's okay.." You helped her up, seeing her face clearly. "U-Uh..Are you okay? I crashed into you pretty badly.." You nod, holding your hand out.

"I'm Y/N." You smile. The girl smiles back, shaking your hand. "My name is Sana. Minatozaki Sana." You were surprised. "You're a foreigner?" Sana nods. "Yup! I'm Japanese." You nod. "You're Korean's good though." You compliment her and she blushes ever so slightly. "Thank you, Y/N." And thus, it was the start of your blossoming friendship.

You sigh, wiping the tear that formed in your eyes. You walked further, reaching the cherry blossom tree.

"Sana, you're here!" Sana smiles. "Sorry I was late, Y/N! Stupid me forgot my coat!" Sana pouts a little before looking at you. "So, why did you ask to meet up here?" You breathed out, smiling at her. "Sana.." You pause, making her look at you. You were mesmerized by her appearance today. She was wearing a simple outfit.

A black turtleneck, some Jeans, hicut sneakers and her coat. She smiles at you, putting her hand on your shoulder. "What is it?" She inquires, curiously looking at you. You take a few moments, just trying to calm your nerves. "I like you, Sana." You finally say, making Sana jump back in surprise.  It took her a while to respond as you finally heard the words that made you happier than anyone in the world.

"I like you too, Y/N."

Your heart breaks at the memory, as your hand balls into fists. You snifle, sobbing as you stood before the crosswalk.

"Y/N!" Sana jumps into your arms as you caught her and wrapped your arms securely against her. "I missed you." Sana burries her head into your neck, wrapping her arms tightly around you. "I missed you too, Love." You say as your hand goes through her hair. She looks up at you, kissing you softly.You pull away, smiling at each other. "Sana..I love you." Sana smiles, kissing your nose. "I love you too."  She responds, smiling

as she clings onto your arm. "Tell you what, I'll let you buy anything since you've been away for so long." You just nod before Sana dragged you to a jewelry shop. "Look, Y/N! A couple ring!" Sana quickly heads to the casheir, getting the rings. "That will be 150,000 won." You were surprised at the price but Sana just handed her credit card. "Sana you didn't have to.."

"It's nothing, Y/N. Now wear it, it suits you well."

You looked at the ring hanging by a chain on your neck. You didn't notice you were in front of the park. You sigh, sitting on one of the benches.

"Hey, quit playing around!" Sana pouts, getting a tissue to wipe away the ice cream on her nose for the nth time. "You're fun to tease babe." Sana laughs with you, as she went closer. "Give me some~" Sana says, a hint of aegyo in her voice. You lean the top of the cone towards her. "Y/N~" You finally let her take a bite and she hums in delight.

"Can you let me take a bite of yours?" You say and Sana looks at you. "I can't hear you~" Sana teases you, making you slightly pout. "Come on, Sana~ Please?~" You beg and she smiles. "Maybe I'll hear it if you kiss me." You smirked, kissing her, making her nearly drop the ice cream. "Y/N!~" You laugh, taking a bite out of hers. "Yaaah~" She whines. "I love you, Sana." She smiles. "I love you too."

You continue your journey, looking inside of your old, worn out apartment. You look at the kitchen.

"Catch me if you can!~" Sana says as she put flour on your face. "Yah!~ You're making a mess!~" You whine, chasing her. You backhugged her, kissing her cheek from behind. "Gotcha." Sana giggles, facing you. "Is that what you said when you caught my heart?" You cringed at her words. "Eyy...You're so cheesy!!~"

Sana laughs. "But isn't that why you love me?" You nod. "Yeah, because your so cheesy that it hurts my brain sometimes." Sana comes closer as if about to kiss you but she instead, puts icing on your nose. "I love you~" You chase her again through the kitchen, with icing on your fingers, making a mess in the process.

You smile idiotically, looking at the living room.

Sana cuddled against you in the warm night. "Sana?" You called as she looks up. "Please don't leave me." Sana smiles, caressing your cheek. "Don't worry, Y/N." Sana pauses, smiling. "I will never leave you." You smile. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." You sang along to the song playing. "You make me happy, when skies are grey." Sana sang with you.

You continued singing for a while. "You'll never know dear, how much I love you." Sana smiles as she ended the song. "Please don't take my sunshine away." As the two of you ended the song, the night grew darker and the two of you relaxed as sleep took over the two of you.

You reached the bedroom and you stood at the doorway.

"I'm sorry.." You sobbed as you held on to Sana's coat. "Y/N..let me go." You shook your head. "Sana, doesn't have to end like this." You begged, back hugging her, preventing her from leaving. "Please Sana.." Sana sighs, gently taking your hands off her. "I'm sorry..please.." You sobbed again. "I still love you Sana...please don't do this.."

"Y/N.." Sana cups your cheeks. "If you really love me, your willing to let go." She wipes your tears. "This is for us, Y/N. For your happiness, and for mine." Sana's tears finally fall. "I love you, I really do..but if I can't make you happy any longer then your better off with someone who can make you truly happy." And as Sana finally lets go, she grabs her things and leaves you, crying in the doorway.

You look around the bedroom, finding the blue sweater that Sana always wears. You take it and her scent immediately fills your nose. "God, I miss her.." you sigh, putting the sweater down. But the familiar scent isn't gone. "Huh..?" You take a look around, seeing a girl standing in the doorway, making you jump in surprise.

"Ah!" You squeak, making the girl surprised too. She had a mask and a cap so you couldn't see her face. "Y-Y/N? I-Is that you?" You recognize the voice that made you instantly tear up. "S-Sana?" She pulls her mask down and takes her cap off. "What are you doing here?" Sana inquires, getting her sweater. "Nothing..I was just visiting."

Sana nods, soon taking her ring off the table. "Thank you for finding it." Sana says, stuffing the sweater in her bag and the ring in her pocket. "It's been 5 years, huh?" Sana grins a little, making you sigh. "Momo told me that you've been drinking.." You just sigh again. "I drink to drown my pain, but the damned pain learned how to swim." You say, grabbing your bag.

"You know it's just a temporary solution, right?" Sana says, making you look at her. "I feel like dying Sana. My heart aches and my stomach coils everytime I see you or even hear your name. I've never felt so much pain in my entire life. It feels like my heart is getting ran over by a fucking dump truck thrice, shattered into pieces and stepped on a billion times. That's how I feel, Sana."

"I'm sorry.." That's all Sana could muster up to say. "Sorry? You left me, Sana. You took away my sunshine." You were now practically sobbing but you didn't care. "Y/N, I couldn't make you happy. I just thought you can find someone better than me." You look at her. "Better than you? Sana, there's no one in this world that holds my heart except you. You're my sunshine, Sana. My only sunshine." You left the apartment, leaving Sana in deep regret.

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