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Mark smirked clearly recognising me.

He is still as handsome as ever.

I cursed my inner self. Nope. I'm over him. He was just an asshole who I shouldn't have fallen for.

"Aww. Fancy meeting lil troublemaker Hyuckie after five years. Glad to see you're still cute.", Mark cooed purposefully teasing me.

To hell with that nickname. Now I'm all red like a tomato.

Mark's smirk grew wider.

"Is Hyuckie still crushing on me ?", to which I answered with a high pitched no.

I slowly calmed thy self. I was not going to be used my Mark Lee ever again. For that, I need to maintain my brave image.

"Enough, Mark hyung. Let's get back to business. Why are you this late?", I asked gathering some courage.

"Why do you care?"

"Why do I care? Isn't the student council president a genius? I'm your secretary, idiot."

"Yah. I'm your hyung", his voice suddenly turned cold.

"I demand respect, Lee Donghyuck. And you are going to give it to me."

I visibly gulped.

"And I will come whenever I wish to the office.", Mark said, his voice stern.

"No, hyung. As a secretary, my job is to  plan your schedule. And your supposed to arrive two hours earlier."

"Wrong, Hyuck. I make the rules here."

"Whatever.", I rolled my eyes.

Mark stepped into the office building. I followed.

We got into the lift.

Any normal person can see that there's plenty of space in the lift. Then why the hell is this guy standing so close to me?

I moved away. But he inched nearer. And I hit the elevator wall.


Mark was standing really close now. I tried not to look at him.

I could feel his intense gaze on me.

I swear a blush was creeping up my neck.

And the biggest mistake I made was to accidentally look at him.

Those playful brown orbs met mine with his signature smirk on.

Why the fuck was  I still attracted to an asshole who broke my heart?

I...still... love... No.. Donghyuck... You deserve way better.

Unexpectedly, he leaned in and I lost it.

"There's something called personal space, dumbass.", I said through red cheeks.

"Well you never cared about me being in your personal space the last time we were in a lift. If I remember right, you were enjoying it."

Fuck. Why is he reminding me about that?

Does this jerk want to die?

"Stop. I was too stupid back then. I fell into your trap. I fucking hate myself and you for it. Not again Mark Lee.", I huffed out anger flashing through me.

"Is that a challenge?"


"Challenge accepted."

My Boss is a Playboy [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now